GTNLF. 22.

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I didn't know what had been injected into me but it helped numb the pain I was feeling from the handcuffs and from the multiple blows I had received. The real problem with the stuff in my body was the fact that whilst it numbed the pain it meant I couldn't fight back, I was unable to move my body.

Ren's hand were bare as he continued his assault on my already broken body, he reached for my face with his fingertips digging into my cheeks, I let out a sound as I watched his mask looking in my direction. "Do you fancy telling me about the drugs now?"

"Please," I begged, "I don't know anything." 

I wondered what he was doing behind his mask, I wondered what face he was pulling. I wondered if he was believing me at all or if he was just doing this for fun now. 

"It looks like this isn't your first time," his voice seemed to be asking more than telling me, his fingers tightened on my cheeks before he pushed me back. 

My eyelids closed as I felt my body swing, "Just kill me if you are going to do it." I felt the dizziness returning as bile rose in my throat, I swallowed it back trying my hardest not to throw up right now. 

"Oh, I'm not going to kill you," his robotic voice explained. "We are going to be spending a lot more time together though."

I opened my eyes and looked at him before looking up at the bar to where my hands were hanging. There was blood trickling down both my arms now, just a slow and steady trickle, I didn't even realise that the blood was falling over my top and my body where it had been flowing for so long. My eyes looked back at Ren, his mask was looking at his red knuckles of both his hands. 

Lolling my head letting it rest of my chest I groaned, "Aloe Vera helps with the bruising." 

He whipped around and stared at me almost like he couldn't believe I was helping, maybe surprised that I was giving him advice after everything. I was surprised I was giving him my secret advice, the thing I'd learn in the trade of my career with Romeo. 

"I know what you are doing," he said before his fist balled and connected with my stomach again. I winced in pain as I closed my eyes trying to imagine I was elsewhere. "So these drugs, sweetheart, why don't you start by telling me how long they've been in your possession?"

Looking up through the loose strands of my hair I glanced at his mask before looking back at the ground. "Please, you have to believe me."

His mask looked up towards my hands in cuffs before he reached up unlocking them, my feet didn't even have time to catch me as I fell to the ground. I couldn't get my hands to save my face or my fall as I fell heavily onto my right shoulder, my temple on the right side hitting the solid ground. 

I made no attempt to move, what would be the point? I couldn't even feel any pain from where I fell. I did feel a bit of a headache coming on though, closing my eyes I laid there not quite realising how I had landed. 

"Get up Blair," his voice echoed through the room. I still made no attempt to move which only angered him further, my throat started to feel like it was closing up like someone was choking me. My body lifted from the ground and slammed against the wall, the feeling still around my throat. He walked towards me, his hand reaching for his belt. I tried to claw at my throat, I tried to get some breath back into my body. "I don't understand why you keep lying to me?"

The feeling of hands around my neck abruptly stopped and the feeling of being held dropped me, my knees taking the full brunt of my fall as I let my tears blur my vision and my hands comfort the stress on my neck. 

"Now maybe we can try this again," he spoke, "Get to your feet!"

I looked up at him before I pushed against the floor with my hands trying to will myself to my feet, my arms were supporting my weight but I just couldn't find the strength in my legs to put my feet on the ground let alone get up. Every time I thought I had it my feet slipped under me after I fell the fifth time I didn't try anymore and just leaned my back against the wall giving up all hope. "What do you even want with me?" I moaned as I leaned my head against the wall. As I looked up at him I realised that I was struggling right now, my mind was thumping, my vision was blurring and everything felt heavy. 

"This isn't happening," I heard the words but I didn't feel my own mouth moving. My eyes closed and I felt my side hit the floor. "Why is this happening? This wasn't supposed to be," I let the tears fall and they fell from my eyes and almost straight on the floor. "I'm not supposed to be here."

"Tell me then, princess, where should you be?" He asked me, I opened my eyes and saw he had turned around, his back was to me. I didn't bother to watch him, I looked down at the floor and started to cry properly but silently. I heard his boots stomping on the floor before my body was weightlessly lifted from the ground, I started to panic as I realised how far off the ground I was before he seemed to move with his hands where he wanted me, then I was placed on a sideboard. 

I looked up at him and shook my head as he walked closer to me, "Sometimes we all have to do things we don't want to do." He told me as he lifted his right hand towards my temple. 

The pain in my head returned, the intense pain I had felt when he dug around in my brain before. This time I had nothing to give him, not really. It was too much for me to take, I screamed in pain, a bloodcurdling deafening scream which made me stop what he was doing. Maybe it was the sound that left my lips, maybe it was the fact he was getting nothing out of me. 

"You'll talk one way or another," he said calmly before he opened the drawer underneath me. All I could do was watch as a knife came into my view, maybe knife was an understatement, this was more of a hunting weapon, a large blade with a jagged edge. 

My body gulped almost involuntarily as I watched where the blade moved to. "You don't have to-" my words when the smooth side of the blade was pushed against my right cheek. I watched wide-eyed and with a breath caught in my throat. 

"Do you know the best way to get a girl to talk?" He asked me as I felt my breath and tried not to move, I didn't want to get cut, not on my face. "Now if you don't want that pretty little face of yours fucked up I'd start talking."

If I could stop myself I would but at that moment in time my body started to shake, I think it was the fear of my face being damaged. If I died here, if this was the end I would want someone to know it was me, I would want my face to be recognizable. 

"They're not mine," I cried as I watched the knife closely. "I don't do drugs, I don't sell drugs. Please, you have to believe me." 

He pushed the knife harshly into my skin, I flinched as it pierced the skin a small whimpering sound escaping my lips as I felt the warm liquid oozing down my cheek. "Are you sure?" He asked as moved his face closer to mine. 

I nodded sure that I had not done anything he was accusing me of, a scream filled the air as the knife slashed down my face, opening the skin allowing blood to leave the wound quicker than when it was just a small knick. He removed the knife from my skin and wiped it clean as my right hand covered the cheek.

"Unfortunately for you I don't believe a word you are saying," he said as he wiped his knife clean before placing it on the sideboard on the other side of the room. I tried to sit up, my hands not quite managing to hold my weight but I managed to make it up to a sitting position

I felt sick, my head was spinning and the room seemed to be falling over in front of me. My hands moved in front of my face and on seeing my bloody right hand I started to breathe heavily before trying to stem the bleeding again with the same hand. "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked as I bowed my head down and looked at the floor, even the floor was falling, the best thing to do would be to close my eyes, which I did. 

His boots stomped on the hard floor making noise and stopping just in front of me, I could feel his presence before his fingers grabbed my chin. My eyes sprung open as he forced my chin up and made me look at him, his fingers squeezed into the bottom of my cheeks forcing my mouth open as he held me. "I let you go, I let you start again because I saw something in you to leave this life behind." He pushed my head back, knocking it against the wall, his hands leaving my face. "And I can't have anyone who might rival me, I am in charge around here."

As he turned away from me I saw it, I saw my chance, it felt right at that moment. My hands moved silently as I grabbed the small knife that was a few feet from me, taking my chance I jumped down from the sideboard and plunged the knife into the right shoulder blade of the masked man. 

The sound that left his lips was almost deafening as I tried to make my way towards the door, a smirk on my lips. Even if I didn't make it out alive that was enough to make me feel a little better if only for a second. 

Good Things Never Last Forever. Baby Mafia. (Book 2) (Kylo Ren AU)Where stories live. Discover now