GTNLF. 16.

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I should have headed to see Rey or Leia, but I was stupid. I headed to the hotel and back to Trey, once he let me into the hotel room I threw myself down on the sofa. 

"Didn't you get the answers you wanted, princess?" Eric asked as he watched me like a hawk. 

Looking over at him I narrowed my eyes, "It's none of your business."

"Well since you are here in our hotel room I would say it is," Eric pointed out the bleak truth. Instead of being at home enjoying my life I was in a hotel room with three guys not knowing what the next move was. 

It was almost like how it used to be. I had done this many of times at Romeo's say so, just waiting for him to make the call. This time it was different, Romeo wasn't in charge, Trey wasn't even in charge, Trey answered to a man without a face. 

"He thinks I am a druggie."

Trey laughed as he sat on the chair next to Eric, "You know when you marry someone I thought it was supposed to be someone who knows you." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I looked at him angrily. 

"Anyone who knows you knows that you don't do drugs. You have done some fucked up things before in your life but you've never taken drugs, have you?" Trey asked me as he watched me. 

"I have never taken drugs willingly," I admitted. "I took a pill from Mac, I guess I knew it was some kind of drug but it knocked me out, it literally just made me pass out." I bit my lip as I looked at Trey as I laid on the sofa, "Before taking the pill I was getting hit on by a guy, I didn't know he was a friend of hers. By the time we got to his hotel room I was basically asleep, she'd given him permission to do whatever he wanted to me."

Trey just watched me, his expression changed from anger to pity. "And you let that bitch be your bridesmaid?"

Sitting up I shook my head, "It's not like that. She's my husband's best friend, she told me he wouldn't believe me. She was right."

Eric looked at me and then at Trey before he spoke, "So that's why he kicked you out?"

I shrugged, "Because she had told him about the drugs, well about the fact they were inside my system, she forgot to mention that she was one who was the one who gave them to me." I looked at Trey, "If you have been following me then you must have seen me out in the car the other day when I stopped at some traffic lights and was assisted by my friend Rey."

"I saw," he told me. 

"That day she put something into my drink," I told him. "Not that he actually gave me time to explain, he'd already made up his mind."

Eric got to his feet and lit up a cigarette before looking down at me, "So that's it then?" He asked me as he walked towards the balcony doors and opened them, "This is the man you claim to love and you are giving up?"

I followed him outside and he offered me a fag which I took and lit it up before leaning over the balcony edge and looking down at the carpark seeing that Ben's car wasn't here. "Why do you care so much?" I asked him as I lifted the cigarette to my lips and inhaled. 

"It's not that I care, I just don't want all this to get in the way of Trey's life. I don't feel like the man who he serves would feel so happy about us all here in this hotel room right now, not when Trey is supposed to be dead."

"Who is the man behind the mask?" I asked Eric as I looked over at him. 

Eric shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Trey goes alone to meet him, Trey does it all."

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