GTNLF. 21.

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This was not exactly how I thought things were going to go down, my cheek felt like it was literally on fire. There was no way I was giving him the satisfaction of screaming or making any sound that wasn't me putting up a fight. I narrowed my eyes before I heard his disguised voice speak "Up." It was a simple request, but even the one word was enough to make waves of fear flow through my body. 

The two men who had thrown me in here, goon one and goon two, grabbed my arms wrenching them away from my face, I tried to resist by holding them close to my face but I was unsuccessful in my attempt. When they started to lift me my reaction was to kick my legs out, "This is bullshit!" I gritted my teeth as I looked at the silver lines of the masked man, "What-"

My words were cut off abruptly by the masked man's gloved hands around my throat, my back hit the nearby wall, the two men letting go of my hands and seeming to stand in place as they watched their boss hold me against the wall by my throat. 

As his fingers gripped the side of my throat I could feel the pressure on my neck, my initial reaction was to grab at his hands but it proved to be ineffective with him being stronger than me. "I don't-" I tried to speak through the pain but he cut me off by pressing harder against my skin, my words failing me as I tried to breathe. 

"You see Princess," the masked man suddenly let me go, my body falling to the floor almost instantly as I panted trying to get as much air in my lungs as possible before I was attacked again. "I think you've got a lot of explaining to do."

I cursed Trey in my head, he had got me into this trouble. I didn't ever think I would find myself being thrust back into this life. I looked up from my position on the floor, "Please, I've-"

He put his hand up in front of me, my voice was gone I was frozen in place. I remembered he could do many different things with his 'force' powers but this was one of the worst if you think of all the things someone could do if you can't fight back. 

My eyes followed him as he walked away from me, the two guys took this as their opportunity to take hold of me, with my body not allowing me to fight back I was dragged into the middle of the room, the pole that Romeo had been tied to was no longer there, just a long steel bar running from one end of the room's ceiling to the other. My hands were hiked up high above my head and the bar on the ceiling lowered. All I could do was watch with fearful eyes as my hands were handcuffed hanging on the bar, the bar lowered so I had my feet planted on the floor before the two guys turned to their boss who waved them out before finally releasing whatever hold it was on me. 

Again I had to suck in a breath trying to steady myself. The metal of the handcuffs was rubbing against my wrists, my feet were sore from being hauled around like nothing more than a piece of meat. 

Ren, the masked man, walked close to me, I had remembered hearing his name a few times. He stood in front of me, a few inches between us, I didn't know what he looked like under his mask, I had wondered and I guessed I would be wondering a bit longer. If this man was going to kill me I would like to see his face just once, not that it would make any difference. 

Bringing his right hand close to my face, his thumb grazed over my bottom lip, my eyes widening and my lips tingling, I tried to move my head away from him but my arms were either side of my head making it difficult to move my head. Taking his hand away from my face standing in front of me, "Funny isn't it?" He asked as he looked me up at down. 

I followed his gaze and caught what he was looking at, I was a damn mess right now. My feet were all scraped up, my short that I wore were extremely short and the top that I was wearing was rising up showing my midriff, I was barely clothed due to the fact I was sleeping before we were rudely awoken, I dreaded to think how bad my hair looked. 

Good Things Never Last Forever. Baby Mafia. (Book 2) (Kylo Ren AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin