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Leia came to check on me, she looked worried as I stood outside the police station in their backyard where the police officers slipped out for a fag. I currently had one attached to my hand which I raised to my mouth and took a drag on it. I exhaled the smoke before I looked at Leia, "I'm sorry, I just suddenly came over all funny."

She looked at the cigarette before she shook her head, "Does Ben know you are smoking? You do know they are bad for you right?" 

"It's helping," I lied. There was no way this was helping, it made me feel more and more on edge. There was nothing wanted to do more than to ring Ben and tell him what was happening, I just didn't want to break the rules. I was not supposed to talk about the cases to anyone outside of the offices that I worked in, if I told Ben and anyone found out I would be in trouble, Leia would be disappointed. Ben didn't need to know that I was smoking, he didn't need to know anything, this was between me and the cigarette in my hand. 

"Is there something else?" She asked me concerned at my sudden change. 

I shook my head and dragged again on the cigarette and smiled at her. "I promise I am fine."

"Look, Blair, I can take you off the case if it's too much for you, just tell me if you aren't ready."

This should have been my chance, but I was stubborn, I wanted to see the man who killed my Romeo punished, even if it was the proper way and for something else. Maybe I could take his name and sort this out myself, like one hurrah to my old life. This would be the way I would get my revenge. 

"I can do it," I said as I stubbed out the fag and chucked the end in the bin on the wall before we headed back inside. I returned to the room and to Daniel. 

Leia headed to the back of the room and to her seat as I looked at my client since we were alone. "Can you tell me about the man who asked you to do this?" I asked Daniel as I picked up my pen and pressed it to my notebook. 

Daniel shook his head, "I don't know his name. I can name some of the others but the main person I don't know him. I met him once, he was masked and her a voice changer. There was something about him, a dark and evil presence."

"Where did you meet this man?" I asked him as I pressed for more answers, anything that would lead me to this man. 

"Honestly Miss Kingston," Daniel said, "I don't know too much. We met at a warehouse, I was taken there but I managed to see it, I know the route. It's just outside of the town."

My mind was all over the place, like scrambled egg in my head. I was here and this man wasn't far behind, was he keeping an eye on me? Were they watching me making sure I didn't come looking for them? 

"Daniel" I looked at him and smiled. "Did you ever see his face?"

He shook his head, "Like I said already, he wore a mask. I'm sorry."

I nodded, "Hopefully this should be enough for the police to do something. Could you just jot down the address of the warehouse you met him at?" I asked as I pushed the notepad in front of him handing the pen to him. 

Daniel took the pen from me before he looked up at me, "Is this required?"

"Just for my records," I smiled as I nodded. 

I watched as he held the pen and started to the write the address on the page. As much as I wanted to leave that life behind I knew I couldn't. I knew in my heart that if I had a chance at revenge I would take it. My life with Ben was perfect, almost. I always thought of Romeo and Trey, their lifeless faces always lingering in my head, Ben would understand, I hoped. 

Good Things Never Last Forever. Baby Mafia. (Book 2) (Kylo Ren AU)Where stories live. Discover now