Chapter 12- 1 Month

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•Dan's pov•

Trigger Warnings: None


Today is Phil and I's one month together. He said last night to be ready and wear something nice. So that how I'm here in the middle of my floor with both of my mom's trying to pick out my outfit, and Phil's going to be here in 20.

"I don't know what to wear." I whine.
"We know we have been trying to help you for the last hour. I think the best one would be the light pink skirt with the white sweater, and light pink flower crown." Ella say
"For fuck sakes just wear the one Ella say I think it looks great on you." Emma say.
"Really? Okay I will wear it." I say stepping out to the room to put on the clothes.

"Do I look good?" I ask looking in the mirror.
"Of course you do Daniel." Emma says.
"You look very gay." Ella laughs
"Well I am gay, so I guess that's good?" I say with a laugh.



"Oh heck mom's do I look good? I don't think I look that good." I say rushing around the room.
"Okay I'm calm, I'm calm." I say going to the door, taking a deep breath.
"I'm going to answer the door and don't follow me. I love you but bye."
"Bye love you too." They both say.

"Damn you look so good." He says
"Thanks and so do you." I say pulling him into a kiss.
"Ready to go?" He asks


"Thanks for the dinner Phil, I will pay you back later."
"No need to pay me back. I love seeing you happy, and happy seeing you eating."
"Thanks Phily. You want to come back to my house? You can spend the night."
"Sure but are sure I can stay?"
"I'm sure you can, they love you. But let me text one of them real quick."

To Momma: Hi momma can Phil spend the night?

From Momma: Of course Phil can spend the night. We love him.

"She said that you could."
"Okay. Do you want to do anything else?"
"No I just want to go home a cuddle, and watch movies. I just want to be close to you."
"Okay. I want to be close to you too."

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