Chapter 10- Weak Son

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•Phil's pov•

Trigger Warnings: Abuse and Homophobic slurs

I'm sorry.


I quickly walked out of the house. Once I open the door to my car I begin to cry. I can't believe I left him to go to my horribly broken family, can't really call it a family if it's just you and your father left, and all your father does is beat you. I don't want to go but I have to.

I park the car and walk out wiping my tears. I open the door.
"Oh hello faggot, where have you been?"
"Hello father, I was at a friend's house doing homework."
"I don't care you were doing homework." He says slapping me across the face. Then shoves me against a wall.
"This one's for being a faggot." He says punching me.
"This one's for being worthless." He says punching me again.
"And this one's a being a waste of space." He says giving me one last punch straight in my stomach. With a kick he leaves me on the ground curled up in a ball.
"What a weak son I have."


I get up and walk to my room. I should text Dan telling him I'm okay.

To Daniel❤: Hi bear how are you? I'm good, but I miss you.

From Daniel❤: I'm so glad you are okay Phil. You scared me when you just walked out like that. I miss you too. Can you meet me at 1:30 pm tomorrow at Starbuck? I want to see you.

To Daniel❤: Of course we can meet tomorrow I don't think I could ever give up getting to see you. Okay love I'm going to sleep. Goodnight baby I will talk to you tomorrow.

From Daniel❤: Thank you! Okay Goodnight Phily. Sleep well.

After talking to Dan for a little bit. I fall asleep.

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