Chapter 5- Truth or Dare

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•Phil's pov•

Trigger Warnings: None


I got paired up to Dan, I couldn't be more excited I really like Dan. I just talked to him for the first time yesterday, but I have had my eye on him for forever. But now I have him for 4 weeks. I can't wait to see him.


"Hey Dan." I say walking to his locker.
"H-hey Phil."
"You ready to go, we can take my car." He says.
"Yeah just one thing, one of my mom's are going to be home. Her name is Emma, she really nice but I never bring people over so be ready for many questions."
"One of them?"
"Yeah I have lesbian parents their names are Ella and Emma. Ella doesn't get off work till 6 tonight, but Emma got off at 2."
"That's really cool. So ready to go?"
I nod.


"Hey Daniel how was school today." She asks walking in to the living room.
"It was good momma."
"Oh who's this?"
"His name is Phil he's here to work on school work."
"Okay sweetie, it's nice to meet you Phil. Oh and my name is Emma. Do you need anything? Tea? Cookies? Water? Anything?"
"Okay hi Emma it's nice to meet you too. I really good I don't need anything, but thank you." I say, I'm shocked that she didn't say anything about my appearance.
"Okay well Phil if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."
"Okay thank you."
We go up to his room.
"Should we start on our project now."


It's been an hours of working and I'm bored.
"Dan we should take a brake I feel like I have been working to much."
"Okay yeah it's been awhile."
"We could play truth or dare."
"But Phil it's just us too."
"So? I will start. Truth or dare Danny."
"Danny really? But fine um...truth."
"Do you like anyone?"
"Yes." He say blushing. Fuck he is so hot.
"Oohhh. Danny has a crush."
"Okay stop. Truth or dare Phily?"
"Phily? Really um...truth."
"Do you like someone?"
"Wow real original, but yes I do." I say winking at him, and he blushes.
"Truth or dare Danny?"
"I dare you to kiss me."
He lean in and kisses me. It's was short, and sweet, but it was nice.
"Truth or dare Phily?"
"I dare you to kiss me again." So I kissed him again.
"Truth or Dare Danny."
"Truth." He replies
"Are you a virgin?"
"I-i a-am." He sutters out, with a very big growing blush.
"Oh you are? There's nothing wrong with that." He just nods.
"It's just embarrassing, alot of people aren't at this age."
"Like I said there's nothing wrong with being a virgin."
"Anyway truth or dare?"
"Who do you like?"
"I like you Daniel."
"Wait, you actually do?"

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