Chapter 4- Group work

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•Dan pov•

Trigger Warnings: Eating disorder


I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I try getting out of bed, but fall back down. I'm dizzy, I haven't eaten anything in 2 days, but I can't I'm to fat. After a few minutes I get out of bed, fighting the dizziness, picking my outfit. Today it was a baby blue sweater with a white skirt, with baby blue converse, and paired white flower crown. Then I head to the shower.


"Good morning Daniel. How did you sleep?" One of my mom's ask.
"It's was good mom thank you. Where's Momma?"
"Oh she just went out to store we are out of a ton of stuff, but we still had the stuff for pancakes you want some?"
"No I'm not really hungry. But can you drive me to school so I'm not late." I say with my stomach growling. I miss pancakes, but I have to stop thinking about it I'm to fat.
"Of course sweetie get in the car and I will be right there." Ella says handing me the keys.


I get to my class and sit down right when the bell rings.
"Thank god." I mumble under my breath. My lest favorite class is history. I freaking hate history, so I begin to think about yesterday. It was a good day Phil finally noticed me, but he also stuck up for me. I have Phil in 5 out of 7 classes. History is one of my classes I have with him.

"We will be starting a partner project today, but good news I will be choosing then for you." The teacher Miss. Jackson says.
"Ugh's" people all over the room say.
"Now guys it's not that bad it's just a month project."
One month with someone who hates me it could be one of the bullies. This whole school is homophobic it feels like. I get looks all the time because I dress more feminine, the most guys.
"Listen for you name then move next to the person." She says getting the clipboard from his desk to begin to read off the names. I don't really listen until I hear my name.
"Daniel and Philip." Oh great I get paired up with my crush.
"Hey cutie." He says sitting on the desk next to mine. I blush at the name I'm not cute I'm a fat and ugly.
"H-hi. Mine or yours?"
"Yours if that's okay."
"Yeah that's okay." I say looking into eyes that I could get lost in forever, but then the bell rings.
"Bye love, see you after school."
"Bye Phil." I say as he walks out
This is going to be the best month of my life.

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