Chapter 11- Starbucks

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•Phil's pov•

Trigger Warnings: Slight mention of an eating disorder


I get up around 12:30 in the afternoon.
"Shit! I have to meet Dan in hour." I say getting out of bed running to the shower.


Okay 10 minutes before I have to meet him perfect. I grab my keys and walk to my car.

To Daniel❤: Good morning baby. On my way to Starbucks now. See you soon. Did you eat anything today?

From Daniel❤: Good morning Phily. Okay I'm just about to leave. No I haven't eaten anything today.

To Daniel❤: Well bear you need to eat, but we can get something to eat at Starbucks.

From Daniel❤: But I'm not hungry.

To Daniel❤: Well I don't want to get into a car crash, now you will eat when we get there. Bye

From Daniel❤: Okay, but I'm not eating, Bye


"Hey Danny." I say going up behind him a giving him a hug.
"Holy heck. Phil you scared me." He says jumping away from me.
"Holy heck really?" I ask pulling him into a quick kiss on the lips.
"I don't like swearing. When it comes out of my mouth I just feel dirty, but I don't mind when other people swear. I just feel dirty when I do." I explain.
"Okay so you don't mind when I say fuck or shit?"
"Nope, say it all you want." He replies.

I finally get a good look at his outfit, and it's fucking hot. He's wearing a white sweater with a pink pastel skinny jeans, and to go with that a light pink flower crown.
"Damn babe you look fucking hot." I say grabbing his hand in mine.
"Thank you." He says blushing.

"Let's order what do you want?" I say walking over to the counter to order.
"Um...just a black coffee with 2 sugars please." He says getting out this wallet.
"Okay, but you are not paying I am put your wallet away. And now what do you want to eat?" I say getting mine out.
"I'm not hungry." He says
"Yes you are now what do you want?"
"Thank you Phily, you are the best. I want a sandwich, maybe it's just they have a lot of calories."
"Okay what one?"
"The ham and chesse."
"Okay thank you." I say ordering the the drinks and the sandwich.


"What do you want to do?" I ask.
"Want to go back to mine and watch movies the rest of the day?" He asks
"Of course I would love that. Let's go to my car."
He nods, and I grab his hand, and make our way out to my car.

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