Tour Doubts

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"Is he okay?" Jenna asked after I hung up the phone.

"He will be. He's just letting his thoughts get to him." I sighed.

"I'm sorry." She sat beside me.

"For what, love?"

"I'm sorry that you are upset. I know that we are both worried about him. Just don't worry too much, okay? Zack will let us know if anything bad happens." She kissed the top of my head.



The rest of our honeymoon was great. Josh was doing well, and we had just landed back in L.A where Josh was going to pick us up from the airport.

"Hey guys." Josh smiled and wrapped us up in a hug.

"Hi Josh." Jenna ruffled his hair.

"Hey dude." I pulled him into a hug. "You okay?" I whispered to him, he nodded silently then pulled away.

"Are you guys ready to go home?"

"Yep." I took mine and Jenna's bags and put them in the trunk. I got in the passenger seat of the car and Josh started to head home.

"Did you guys have fun? See a lot of cool things?"

"Yeah, we did have fun. We went to the top of the Eiffel Tower yesterday which was so beautiful."

"I bet." Josh agreed with Jenna. They continued to discuss what else we did in Paris while I got lost in thoughts.

"Hi." Blurry's voice was loud suddenly causing me to flinch.

"Are you okay Tyler?" Josh asked grabbing my shoulder.

"Ye-yeah. I'm good." I turned back to the window while they kept talking.

"I hope you've enjoyed your time off. We need to catch up, It's almost time for us to go on tour."

Not us. Josh and I.

"Aw come on. I'll be there anyway so you might as well say us."

I'm not letting you mess this up for Josh, or for the fans.

"Oh I won't need to. You'll mess it all up just fine on your own."

They aren't going to let you hurt me. They will drowned you out.

"They? Who is they?"

The fans. They are- WE are stronger than you.

"Yeah yeah. WE will see about that." I could practically feel him roll his eyes, and with that, he was gone.

"We are home." Josh sang.

"Yay!" Jenna cheered. I got out and opened the door for Jenna then grabbed our bags from the trunk and went upstairs. I dropped Jenna's stuff off in her room.

"Hey, come over when you are done, yeah?"

"Sure." Jenna smiled. "I'm just going to shower and unpack a little."

"Okay." I gave her a quick kiss then went across the hall to my apartment. "Josh?"

"Yep?" I found him sitting at the table in the kitchen.

"Are..." my voice trailed off. "Are you okay?"

"Never better." He flashed a smiled.

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