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Group chat: The Real Ones

Josh: How was the plane ride?

Tyler: Long

Jenna: It was only 7 hours and 30 minutes from New York.

Josh: That sounds long.

Tyler: Very long.

Jenna: We both slept most of the first half of the flight, Tyler!! What are you guys going to do on tour? You do realize that it's constant travel, right? 😂

Tyler: Yeah but we will be too excited to see the fans to even think about the bus ride.

Josh: True dat.

"Madame, monsieur we have arrived at Ritz Paris." Our drive smiled politely and opened the door for us.

"Thank you, monsieur." Jenna smiled back.

"Aucun problème." We got out bags and headed inside to the front desk.

"Bonjour, vous avez une réservation?"

"Oui, Joseph." I smiled.

"Ahhh, the American couple." She smiled brightly at our presence. "Here are your keys. If you have any questions just ask, most of us here speak English, so don't worry about a thing."

"Thank you so much." We walked to the elevator and went up to our room. "Floor 18, isn't that the top floor?"

"Yes." Excitement filled Jenna's eyes. The doors open and she ran down the hall to one of the four doors. "Are you ready?" Her smile grew even bigger.

"Yep." The door opened to a large white room with gold leafy accents across the walls. There was a large white couch with a tv in front of it, and lace curtains covering the large windows. Jenna pulled back the curtains to reveal a view gorgeous view of the Eiffel Tower, the grand city of Paris sat busily below it. We opened two French style doors to the bedroom which carried on the same white and gold tones. "How did you-"

"Like I said. I saved money from the wedding. This is the reason that I didn't want us to have a big crowd, so we could afford a amazing honeymoon."

"It's lovely. Thank you so much." I hugged her from behind.

"You're welcome." She tilted her head back and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "Alright. We have dinner at 6:30 so be ready by six."

"It's weird being in a different time zone. I feel like I just woke up but it's already 3:00."

"I know, hopefully it won't take too much getting use to."

"Yeah. At least we didn't sleep the entire flight. We both slept for what? About three hours? So it's more like we just took a three hour nap instead of going to bed. I think we will be fine."

"I think so too. What should we do before dinner?"

"We could go get coffee?" I suggested.

"Sounds great." Jenna grabbed her purse and I made sure I had the key to our room, my phone, and my wallet and we walked out the door.

"Excuse me madame, Where is the best place to get coffee here?" I asked the lady at the front desk, I noticed her name tag read "Cosette"

"Right outside across the street. It's called Lomi. A lovely place, great service." Her thick French accent was marvelous.

"Thank you, Cosette." I nodded to her. We walked out the door. Just as Cosette had said, there was a small cozy building with a sign over it reading "Lomi" We made our way across the street, opened the door for Jenna and followed her in the shop. We both got out drinks and sat down. We started talking about our life together, my career, her career, if and when we would have kids, then the awful topic that needed to come up, tour.

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