Tear In My Heart

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"My heart is my armor,
She's the tear in my heart, she's a carver,
She's a butcher with a smile, cut me farther,
Than I've ever been." I finished the last chord on my ukulele then hit 'stop recording'. "How was that?" I asked Josh and Pete through the mic.

"That was perfect, it only took you four tries to sing the last part without crying, but you did it." The boys teased me.

"Shut up." I blushed and sat down my uke.

"Okay boys. Let's edit this sucker." Pete began maneuvering around the computer.

"What if we cut my drums for the last bit? It could just be Tyler and the uke, give it a softer ending than the other songs."

"That could be cool, let try it." Pete clipped off the ending of Josh's drumming and we listened to it.

"Dude that's beautiful." Josh gave me a high five.

"I do like that a lot more." Pete agreed.

"Alright, lets do it then." I smiled. "Jenna should be here soon so let's listen to it again and make sure it's perfect."

"Alright." Pete pushed play by the end of the song we heard a knock on the door. I popped up and and glided over to the door.

"Hey." Jenna greeted me with a kiss.

"Hi sweet." I pulled her over to the computer.

"We will leave you to it." Josh winked as he and Pete left the room.

"This is for you." I pushed play. Jenna's face filled with excitement as the song started. When we got to the chorus she looked at me and smiled.

"This is about me." She mouthed.

"Yep." Her hand flew up to her mouth and remained there for the rest of the song. When it ended she turned to me with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you."

"Oh sweet," I hugged her. "Don't cry."

"It's a really good song." She sobbed into my shoulder.

"Thank you." I pulled away from her and lifted her chin. "I love you."

"I love you too." She whipped her face off gently not to smudge her makeup.

"Here." I ran my fingers under her eyes to make sure she didn't have any more mascara or eyeliner smeared under it.


"No problem." I kissed her hand then stood up. "Shall we go?"

"Can we listen to the song one more time?"

"Sure." I smiled at her and played it once more. This time Pete and Josh came back in the room halfway through it.

"She likes it then?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if we will every be able to leave." I laughed.

"Here, Jenna," Pete sat down beside her, "do you have your phone."


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