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Tyler's p.o.v

"Come on guys! We are going to miss our flight!" We all jogged through the airport, our first flight was delayed so we had just a few minutes to make it to our next and final flight. It's been a few days, we went shopping, gone to some nice sight seeing places, and Josh and I have had a few more meetings with the guys from Fueled By Ramen. We are supposed to record in one of their studios back in Ohio starting next week. We made it to our plane and all got to our seats. I gave Jenna the window seat and I sat beside her, Josh was on the other side of me.

After the plane took off Jenna snuggled into my chest and feel asleep. "So, have you guys talked about any potential wedding dates?" Josh asked.

"Um yeah actually we are thinking about next month."

"That's awfully soon don't you think?"

"Yeah, but it's going to be a small wedding. You, my siblings, her parents if they decide to come, and maybe a few other friends like Mark and Jesse."

"Oh cool."

"Yeah, I forgot to ask because I just figured you already knew, but will you be my best man?"

"Of course!" Josh smiled widely.

"Good. I figured that you already knew but Jenna said that I need to actually ask you." I smiled back.

"Yeah, I'm glad you asked me. I would love nothing more than to be apart of my best friends wedding."

After a few more conversations about the wedding and music, our plane landed. "That felt like the shortest plane ride ever." Josh stood up and we filed out of our seats.

"Yeah, it did." I agreed.

"Let's go home!" Jenna smiled widely. Jenna was definitely more of a home body, she felt safer at her apartment or our apartment. That's why I'm worried about if Josh and I ever go tour, I don't want to put her under that stress of traveling with us, but I can't leave her for that long. "Ty?" Jenna snapped me out of my thoughts.


"You coming?" She reached her hand out to mine.

"Yep." I smiled and clasped her hand in mine. The Uber ride home was long, after all, it was 2:00 in the morning back in Ohio. Jenna and Josh fell back asleep a few minutes into the ride. However, I was wide awake. We pulled into the parking lot beside our apartment complex and I gently woke everyone up. I handed the Uber driver some cash then thanked him.

"I feel like I shouldn't have slept on the ride home." Jenna said happily.

"Yeah same." Josh looked wide awake and happy as well.

"Nah, this just means we can party awhile longer." I unlocked mine and Josh's apartment. "Be over in fifteen?"

"Definitely." Jenna smiled and stepped into her apartment. Josh and I put our stuff in our rooms. We started a load of laundry and both out on our pajamas. Immediately after, I heard a knock on the door.

"Helloooo." Someone sang through the door. I opened the door to see Jenna smiling brightly in her sweatpants, hair up in a messy bun, and no makeup.

"Hello gorgeous." I kissed the top of her head.

"Hi." She blushed. I locked the door behind us as we walked into the living room.

"It's good to be home." Josh plopped onto the couch.

"True dat." I smiled and put my arm around Jenna.

"Can we watch a movie?" Jenna looked up at me.

"Sounds good to me." I raised an eyebrow at Josh.

"I'd love to." I got up and got the remote control, we settled on a movie called "50 First Dates", one of Jenna's favorites.

"Aw, I love this movie."

"I know." I kissed the top of Jenna's head. About half way through the movie everyone had fallen asleep except me, Jenna had laid over on me and Josh was laying his head on my lap. I grabbed my phone from beside me and took a selfie with all of us it, I put it on my Snapchat story with the caption, "Love these guys, but LA got us beat." I turned off my phone and laid back onto the chair, slowly feeling my eyelids shut.

"Gooooood morning!" I heard Josh yell beside me.

"Good morning." I smiled and rubbed my eyes.

"Good morning." Jenna smiled and raised her head off my shoulder.

"Who wants to go get breakfast?" Josh asked.

"Me!" Jenna raised her hand and jumped up, "let me go change real quick."

"I'm down." I stood up and got ready as well.

Soon we were all off to a place called "Little Mamas Bakery." I ordered a large coffee and a cinnamon roll, Josh ordered the same, Jenna got a vanilla iced latte with a blueberry muffin. Then we all found a table outside.

"It looks a little gloomy today." Jenna said with a frown.

"Yeah, it might storm." I looked up at the grey clouds.

"You know what that means!" Josh smiled brightly, "Hangout day!"

"Yay!" Jenna smiled. "Maybe we could also work on more wedding stuff because you guys start work next week." Jenna said more like a question.

"Yes." Josh said quickly.

"Someone's excited." I laughed a little.

"What? Oh, I mean-" Josh stumbled over his words, "Just if you guys want to, I guess that's okay." He tried to play it off casually.

"Josh, I think you're more excited about planning this wedding then I am." Jenna laughed and he nodded happily.

"Well, are you guys ready to head back home?" I said as I started to feel raindrops fall.

"Yeah." Josh nodded and got up.

"Let's go." We all loaded up in the car and headed to the apartments.

Sorry this is a shorter chapter! But I hope you guys are still enjoying it!

~ Peteywentzy

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