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"Tylerrrr!" Jordan and Jesse said in sync when I opened the door.

"Hey guys, come in."

"So," Josh started. "do you want to know the plan for tonight?"

"Of course." I got nervous as I sat down in my seat.

"Well we are going to stay in tonight, have a few drinks and watch Disney movies. And of course by drinks I mean chocolate milk... or orange juice if you're feeling wild." He teased.

"Sounds perfect." I laughed.

"Yep, but really, we do have some Jack Daniels and bottles of Coke if you'd like Jack and Coke." Jordan held up the alcoholic drink.

"I think I'll pass for now."

"Told ya." Josh smirked at us.

"What?" I asked.

"I told all three of you that Tyler wouldn't drink anything on his twenty first birthday." Josh looked satisfied with himself.

"I agreed." Jesse laughed.

"So did I." Jordan looked slightly guilty.

"Guys!" I laughed. "Ya know what? I will drink something thank you." Jesse mixed me up some Jack and Coke. "No no, I'll take it straight thanks." I got a glass out of our cabinet and filled it up like a shot.

"Woah there he goes." Josh smiled at me.

"Cheers." I picked up the glass and took the shot quickly I didn't even make a face after I put the glass back down.

"Wow." Jordan said, nodding in approval.

"I didn't even take my first shot like that on my birthday." Josh grinned.

"Yep, I'm still sticking with chocolate milk." Jesse nodded. We all knew that Jesse wasn't the biggest fan of alcohol based on his past.

"And that's all that I will be drinking tonight folks." I put the glass in the sink.

"Fair enough." Josh shrugged. "Should we start a movie?"

"Yes!" We all cheered and ran into the living room.

"We are going to watch all three Toy Story movies tonight boys!" Josh found the first one and put it in. We all watched at the cowboy met the space ranger. Before we knew it, it was time to start the second movie. We were all tearing up at the sene when Jesse sang about her old owner when suddenly we heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Josh wiped his eyes clear of tears and went over to the door. Pretty soon Jenna walked into the room behind Josh.

"You bunch of babies." She laughed as she saw us all crying.

"Shut up babe, you don't even know." I pointed at the tv screen when Jesse had just finished singing.

"Awww, you poor things." She came and sat beside me after she mocked us.

"Why are you home so early?" I whispered.

"Zach needed Tatum for something."

"I thought Zach was out of town."

"Apparently something happened and he had to go home early."

"Oh." I nodded.

"Why does your breath smell like alcohol?" She cringed.

"Because it's my twenty first birthday, so I took a shot for the boys."

"Oh gotcha." She snuggled up next to me, pretty soon she fell asleep. Leaving me with Jesse, Jordan, and Josh, after I took her back to my bed.

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