Chapter Ten: Churchill's "soft underbelly" of Europe

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After a few hours I had calmed down... well... that's what they think. Inside I'm still fighting an internal war weather not I should track down Poppy on my own or I should wait for the other. I paced around the room where it all began. The small room we were tied up in and I found my father. I placed my hands on the wall and leaned forward and rested my head between them and sighed deeply. I turned around and slide my back down the wall and sat. The silence allowed me to think for the first time since we got here.

" A blue rash... Mania... Paralysis... Death...." Poppy's cheerful and evil voice filled my head. I placed my hands on my head and sighed in frustration. My heart beat filled my ears causing the world around me to fall silent. A few minutes flew passed before I rose to my feet and walked out of the room. I walked down the empty hallways until Poppy's words popped back causing me to shudder slightly. I stood in the hall for a moment before I let my anger get the best of me.

" I'm going to find Poppy with or without them..." I spoke to myself and thought of how I could do this on my own...

" Charlie..." I spoke in a shocked voice as I remembered everything and how he helped me get to Valentine and now he will help me get to Poppy. I began to jog down to control room and find Ginger Ale sitting at the computer.

" Ginger." I spoke as I entered the room causing her to turn in her seat.

" Agent Bedivere." She had a look on her face that seemed as if it was a forced smile.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly and sat down across from her as she sighed.

" I had to put Tequila under... he began to experience mania right after Poppy made her tv appearance." She spoke in a slightly scared tone.

" I vow that I will find Poppy and get that antidote and I will help everyone..." I took a moment and placed a hand on her shoulder.

" Including Tequila... but I need your help..." I spoke. She took a deep breath and nodded.

" I need you to track Charlie's girlfriend for me." I spoke and she smiled slightly.

" Oh that's easy." She laughed lightheartedly before turning to her computer and typed a few things. A large map popped up and a red pulsing dot was on the screen.

" That's her.... can you zoom in?" I asked. The map became more detailed and she seemed to be in a... phonebooth.

" Can you get an audio?" I asked and leaned forward slightly. She nodded and hit another button.

" Don't worry... I'm on a payphone." Her voice came over the speakers.

" Covered in a fucking blue rash. Why didn't you tell me? All you said was, "Don't take any drugs." It was a music festival for fuck's sake." She spoke and I leaned back with a slight smirk on my face.

" Fuck. Shit. Shit! Okay. Listen. You need to get to the lab in Italy. Do you remember where we went skiing?" Charlie spoke on the other line and a smile dusted my lips.

" There you are you bastard." I spoke quietly.

"Yes. Yes, I remember." She spoke.

"Yeah. Meet me there and I'll give you the antidote." Charlie spoke in a concerned voice.

"Okay." She sighed.

"All right. Jet's ready." He spoke and ended the call. I rose to my feet and looked over at Ginger.

" Thank you Ginger." I smiled.

" Your welcome Agent Bed-" She began but I cut her off.

" Call me Jessica." I smiled and she nodded.

" Your welcome Jessica." She spoke as I left. I walked out into the hallway and stopped when something caught my eye. The door.. I could work with them and we can find her together...or... I could just walk out of here and continue to search for her on my own and risk damaging my relationship with Eggsy and Merlin even more and create a tare in mine and my father's...

Eggsy's P.O.V

Champ finished explaining how he meet Whiskey and it was a pretty funny story. Merlin, Harry, Whiskey, and I laughed along with Champ as he finished his story. We sat around the table talking about all of our different experiences of our training but we were interrupted when the door flew open and there stood the love of my life completely out of breath but nonetheless had her signature smirk on her lips.

" What is it Jess?" I asked and rose from my seat looking over at her. Everyone one in the room was looking at her and was waiting to hear what she had to say. After a moment she caught her breath and looked at each person in the eye before she spoke one word.

" Italy."

( HELLO EVERYONE!!!! I know this is a short one but I already know the next one is going to take a little bit to write.

History lesson: During the war Churchill referred to Italy as the " soft underbelly" of Europe and by this he meant that this would be the weakest place to attack Germany. { Yes i'm a history geek }

BUT ANYWAY!!!! I really hope you enjoyed and as always I will see you in the next chapter!!! Bub-Bye!!!!!)

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