Chapter six: First Mission at Statesman... a concert?

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After a few minutes of me catching my breath I took a moment to collect myself before a stood up and walked back into the room but was shocked to find myself immediately enveloped in Eggsy arms and he held me close.

" I'm so sorry about your father Jess..." He spoke as he moved away and looked at me.

" We are going to do all we can to restore his memory." The women said causing a sigh to leave my lips.

" Thank you." I spoke a weak and soft voice.

" We found your father in this state outside a hate church a few miles from here. I was reading extreme radio waves and asked Tequila to fly me there to investigate... once we arrived we found your father on the ground shot through one eye and bleeding out. We used our special gel med wrap which is to help our agents who have received headshots. It stops the bleeding until we can treat them here. When we were able to wake your father he remembered nothing about his life of an agent and or anyone of importance besides his mother." The women explained as I looked over to the window to see my father sitting on his bed looking at all of his drawings of butterflies.

" There is a way for him to regain his memory..." she spoke again and my head snapped to look at her.

" He has to go through a tramatic experience that he has already experienced." She explained causing me to stand completely still.

" I can't do that to him... I couldn't hurt him." I spoke and looked down. I looked up to see everyone in the room looking at me with a sad look in there eyes.

" There is someone who would like to see you." Tequila said and nodded towards the door. We all followed him or and he lead us to a bridge over the walkway outside and into a another building. He pushed open a large door as we walked in side. The room with beautiful three large windows covered the back wall that over looked the entire property. The wall had painting of men I assumed there were the other leaders of the statesman. A chair turned around to reveal a man as he sat at a long dark wooden table.

At what point are you going to start behaving like a Statesman, Tequila? You wanna go back to being a rodeo clown?" He voice had a thick accent as he stood up and walked over to us.

" I mean you put a shotgun to the lovely lady's head. You are supposed to be civilized Tequila clean up your act." He spoke and rested a hand on my shoulder as I glanced over at Merlin to see him nod lightly to try and calm my worried feeling that began to form at the base on my stomach.

" Yes sir." Tequila spoke and nodded towards the man.

" I'm terribly sorry put him darlin'. Allow me to introduce myself my names Champagne but everyone here calls me Champ. " He spoke as he lead me to the table. I looked slightly over my shoulder to see Eggsy directly behind us with a cautious look on his face. He pulled out a chair for me to sit and I took a seat as Eggsy placed himself beside me.

" So y'all are from Kingsman?" Champ asked as Merlin stood behind me and next to Eggsy.

" Yes we are. Behind me is Merlin to my left is Agent Galahad and I'm Agent Bedivere." I pointed at all of us one by one and then placed my hand on my chest when I introduced myself. He nodded and laughed slightly.

" Where in the hell did you get those code names?" He asked laughing.

" The Knights of the round table." I spoke and looked at him. He nodded with a raised eyebrow as if he was impressed and then looked over at Tequila.

" Well we are you American cousins what can we help you with." He asked as his placed his hands on the table.

" Well first I want to thank you for saving Agent Galahad..." I spoke but he stopped me.

"I though you said he was Agent Galahad?" He asked pointing at Eggsy.

" No no no they are talking about Butterfly guy that use to be his handle." Tequila said and Champ looked back over at us.

" Oh...." he said softly but I continued.

"Galahad always said, "You've got to look at the bigger picture..." "ask 'why' as well as 'who'." So if someone wanted to take out Kingsman... then they've got to be planning something major." I spoke again and he leaned forwards so his forearms were resting on the table as he listened.

" Alright what do you know?"

" We believe they are a drug cartel.... and the name The Golden Circle keeps popping up."

" Hmmmm... we'll look into it...what else?" He asked.

" One of our former trainees is now working for them since he failed his training. Charlie Hesketh-" I spoke but was cut off by Eggsy.

" Total prick." He added from next me causing me to let out a slightly laugh before I playfully reached up and smacked his shoulder and then returned to talk to Champ.

" I have been tracking his ex-girlfriend through social media and I believe she is still in contact with him and she is going to be at the Glastonbury Music Festival." I spoke and pulled out my phone and showed him the picture I had found of her and Charlie. He took my phone and looked at the photo carefully before nodding.

" Alright good. Agent Tequila break out you dancing shoes." He spoke and turned to Tequila. I looked over at him and gasped slightly at what I saw.

" Yes sir."

" Woah woah woah you feeling alright son?" Champ asked and looked at Tequila after he noticed the same thing I did. Small blue vine like line began to slowly make their way up Tequila's neck and onto his face.

" I'm a little tired but fine thanks. Galahad, Bedivere you ready?" Tequila asked up but Champ stopped him.

" You face.... you got...." Champ said and Tequila stood up and walked over at a small mirror on the wall and looked at himself in shock.

" What the fuck?" He asked lightly and looked at his skin but Champ spoke again.

" Have ginger check you out." He nodded at him and then to the door and Tequila simply turned on his heel to leave.

" Leave the glasses."Champ said and held his hand out and with a sigh Tequila took out a pair of aviators from his jacket but they were glasses and handed them to Champ before turning around and walking on the door. He smiled and reached over handing them to me with a smile.

" Put them on." He simply said before putting on his own pair on. I slipped this on the bridge of my nose and saw a hologram of another man in a cowboy hat with a button up shirt and tie under a denim jacket.

" Agent Bedivere this is Agent Whiskey one our finest agents he is based in our New York office.He will be assisting you on you and Agent Galahad on your mission." He explained.

"Bedivere, Galahad looks like we're hooking out with a chick at a rock concert. My favorite kind of mission. Especially when it involves working with a beautiful women such as yourself Bedivere." He spoke and I blushed slightly.

" Whiskey." Champ warned him and he threw his hands up in defense and I smiled.

" It's a pleasure to work with you as well Agent Whiskey." I smiled and nodded towards him laughing.

( hello guys I'm so sorry this is soooooo late but here is the next chapter and I hope you all enjoyed and as always I will see you in the next chapter!!!! Bub-Bye!!!!!!!)

Kings and Cowboys ( Sequel to To become a fine Gentleman )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن