Chapter five: Welcome to Statesman

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"Stop!!" A women's voice came from the doorway beside us as she ran in. She ran over to me and places a towel on my back and I felt spots of were the man had poured whiskey on me begin to dry and untied my wrists.She moved down the line and placed a towel on Merlin and Eggsy's lap and then spoke while untying them.

" These people are our doomsday protocol. I found this in the locker." She turned and pulled out something from under her arm and threw it to him.

" Kingsman. It has our S on it." She spoke softly as then the man began to laugh slightly.

"I'm so sorry. This is just one big misunderstanding." He laughs as he turned to look at me with a smirk on his lips.

" No hard feelin's doll?" He asked and I stood up. Eggsy stood up next to me and took a step forward but I grabbed his arm before he could do anything. I let out a sigh before the men spoke again.

" Now y'all know this guy?" He asked and nodded his head back a little to Harry standing behind the glass as he just finished shaving his face.

" Yes we do. He is a beloved agent and for the past few months we thought he was dead." Merlin spoke and nodded towards Harry a little and I felt my chest tighten up a little bit.

' Something doesn't feel right...' I thought to myself and looked over to see the girl opening the door she came through again and gestured for us to walk out. We walked out into a rather large hallway and saw the women standing by another door a few feet away from the door we just came out of. She smiled and placed her hand on the door.

" He's in here." She spoke as she stepped away from the door to let us pass. I took a deep breath and felt a hand rest on my back.

" He's going to be so happy to see you." Eggsy's voice came from beside me. I nodded softly before walking forward and opening the door. The door slowly drifted open and there stood a slightly frightened looking Harry. I smiled at him and stepped in and Eggsy and Merlin followed.

" Dad..." I spoke and stepped forward only to cause him to back away quickly and keep a distance between us.

" Dad it's me.... Jessica." I spoke and laughed slightly. Merlin stood be my held out his hand for Harry to shake it.

" Harry." He spoke with a little bit of concern in his voice. My father stepped forward and shook his hand.

" How do you do?" He asked shaking Merlin's hand but showed no sign of knowing what was happening.

" Harry it's okay they know your with us." Eggsy spoke but Harry shook head head slightly.

" Do I know you?" He asked looking at all of us.

" I think it's about time I get my brogues resoled." Merlin spoke in a hint-hint tone of voice.

" Yeah and my oxfords are done in as well." Eggsy spoke but I stood there in a state of shock.

" Why are you telling me about your shoes?" Harry asked and I took a step back.

' Why isn't he picking up on this?! Why isn't he acting like this?!' My mind filled with thought until I heard him speak.

" I'm a lepidopterist. " He spoke and my eyes widened.

" You're a what?" Eggsy asked shock slightly.

" I study butterflies." He spoke smiling. I looked about the room and saw drawings of butterfly anatomy and wing patterns.

" Before the war this is what he wanted to do." I spoke mostly to myself but letting Eggsy and Merlin hear. My body felt weak and I felt as if I was going to faint but I spoke before that could happen.

" Do you know any of us?"

" No... should I?" He asked and I felt my heart shatter. My own father.... didn't know who I was.

' How is this possible?! What the hell happened?! Why does he not know any of us?! What happened to him?! What did they do to him..... '

"Them..." I said to myself before I walked out to the room and back into the room we were in earlier to find the man still standing there watching the scene unfold in front of him and the women was watching from the opposite corner of the window. I stood there for a moment an reached behind my back as the man turned to see me.

" I'm so sorry d-" Before he could finish his sentence I pulled out my gun and placed it on his forehead.

" What the hell did you do to him?" I asked with uncontrollable anger and rage.

" Doll we did nothing..." The man spoke and put his hands up.

" What the hell are you doing Jessica?!" Merlin's voice filled the room from behind me.

" Jess put to the gun down." Eggsy spoke from the doorway in a calm and collected voice but I ignored them.

" The truth..." I growled.

" He is telling the truth. We saved him from the head shot he took and took him in. Once we brought him back to the world of the conscious we asked him about the Church and he had no memory of it or any agency..." The women spoke and a shaky breath left my lips. I felt as if my world had broke and was falling apart around me. Slowly I lowered the gun and stepped back. Eggsy wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him.

' My own father doesn't remember me... Won't remember me...' I thought as I rested my head on Eggsy's chest.

" Its alright love.... we'll get through this..." He spoke in a calm voice as he kissed to top of my head. My heart had completely stopped beating by this point as a tear slide down my cheek. I pulled away from Eggsy lightly and stepped out in the hallway. My breathing was shaky as I leaned against the wall.

" I lost my father to Valentine because of my mistake of letting him leave alone and now I have him back but he has no clue who I am because I was to late." I spoke to myself as another tear ran down my cheek.

( Hello everyone!!! I know this is sad and it hurt me so much to write but it had to be done. I really hope you all enjoyed and as always I will see you in the next chapter!!!!! Bub-Bye!!!!!)

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