Chapter two: Starting from rock bottom

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The next day was very exciting for Eggsy and I. After we stopped Valentine we released all of his captives and we discovered that one of them was the princess of Sweden. Once we reached home we got a letter from the king and queen of Sweden thanking us for saving there daughter and wished for us to come to the palace in Sweden to join them for dinner as a thank you... and the dinner was tonight. At the moment I was upstairs curling my hair and had one earbud in listening to 'Life of the Party' by Shawn Mendes. As the chorus came on I couldn't help but sing.

"We don't have to be ordinary
Make your best mistakes
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party
I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary
Hearts are gonna break
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party" I sang lightly rocking back and forth to the music a little. I pushed down a the lever so my hair fell to my shoulder. A smile crossed my lips as I saw my curl actually looked good for once. I continued to rock and hum to the rest of the song until it was over and by then my hair was completely done. I racked out the curls a little and placed then over my shoulders. A sigh left my lips as I stepped back to see myself fully dressed in my kingsman suit. My eyes locked with my own in the mirror as a smile formed on my lips.

" I'm so proud of you..." My father's voice echoed through my mind.

" I wish you were here dad..." I sighed and looked down for a moment but rose my head with a sigh.

" I have to move on." I placed my hands on my side and smoothed out my jacket.

" Wow..." A voice came from the doorway. I looked to my left and saw Eggsy standing there.

" You look amazing... of course I see you like this for work but tonight is different." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

" Thank you." I giggled a little as I spoke.

" You were think about him weren't you?" He asked with a slightly sad look on his face.

" There isn't day that goes by were I don't miss him..." I sighed and turned still in his arms but to face him now.

" He would have loved to see us now but... come on we have a dinner to get to." I smiled and clipped my watch around my wrist then look at him in the mirror as he stares at him.

" What?" Tilts her head a little but still looks at him.

" I mean it you look amazing..." He said as a sigh left his lips. I blushed a little at his word before a smile crossed my lips and I stood up straight.

" Thank you babe... but come on we have a dinner to get to." I walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs. I looked behind me to see Eggsy still standing at the top of the stairs.

" Eggsy... you okay?" I asked as I placed on my jacket and he smiled as he slowly walked down the stairs.

" Your father would have been so proud of you." He smiled and placed a hand on my cheek once he was in front of me. A single tear ran down my cheek as I smiled at him. He smiled sadly at me and wiped the tear away.

" I love you." I spoke as my voice broke a little.

" I love you too." He smiled and wrapped me in a hug.

- Time Skip ( Sweden ) -

Eggsy and I sat side by side tilde sat across from us. Her father, the king, sat on my left and her mother, the queen, on my right.

"Maten är väldigt bra." Eggsy spoke in Swedish to the family causing an impressed smiles to cross my lips.

" Perhaps it would be for the best if we used English to converse with you two. " The king spoke causing Eggsy to realize his mistakes and blushed slightly.

" Of course, your highness." I spoke and bowed my head a little.

" Please you may address my daughter as ' your highness' you may address me and my wife as ' your majesty'." He spoke to me.

" Of course... your majesty." I smiled and took a sip of my wine and looked up to see Tilde giving me a look. I placed my glass down on the counter as I watched her shoot daggers my way. She look at Eggsy and then at me.

" She jealous of you... breath Jessica." Roxy's voice came through the chip in my glasses causing a silent sigh to leave my lips. I took a deep breath and look over to see Eggsy and the king have a conversation of sorts and the king himself seemed to be impress on what Eggsy had to say. I looked back up to see Tilde stiffen in her seat as I looked back over at her and a smirk crossed my lips.

' Stay away from him.' She mouthed to me causing a soft laugh to leave my lips.

' Sorry princess...' I mouthed back and placed a hand on Eggsy's leg just to piss her off even more. Her eyes narrowed as I sat up straight in my chair and took another sip of my wine.

" Well played Jess." Roxy spoke through the glasses. Eggsy looked over at me with his signature smirk and winked at me causing me to blush slightly and look back over at Tilde with rage filling her eyes. Roxy's laugh filled my glasses as she saw Tilde.

" She looks like a teapot ready to pop." Roxy burst out laughing as I watched her feed from her computer to see her fall back on her bed giggling loudly. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing as well and thankfully succeed. Inside the Kingsman glasses there is a keyboard so we can send a message to other Kingsman in times of need so I used it to my advantage.

' Stop it I'll get caught!' I sent it to her and she sat up as she wiped a tear away from laughing so hard.

" Sorry I just can't help it." She spoke and then cleared her throat.

" Eggsy I have some info for you." She spoke before rattling off some info to Eggsy about the underground organization called ' The Golden Circle'. I listened into bits and pieces of the conversation between Eggsy and Roxy along with Eggsy and the king. We at the table and laughed while we made jokes and Eggsy impressed the king with his smart provided by Roxy. After a while of us just talking another transmission came through and to my horror it was from Eggsy and I's office at home.

" Eggsy? Jessica? What the fuck is this? Are you two part of a gang or something now?" Brendan's voice came through the glasses. I looked over at Eggsy in horror and he did the same. Brendan picked up the gun on the desk and held it. After a moment he filled a Kingsman lighter open to light a cigarette. I thought I would asked to be excused and leave the room to tell him to shut it but Eggsy took action.

" Put it down!" He yelled as he sat up straight in his chair. The king look horrified as Eggsy pointed towards him and yelled but in fact he was yelling at Brendan.

" I said put it down!" Eggsy yelled. The king placed his glass on the table and look horrified.

" I beg your pardon?" The queen asked. But neither of us responded.

" Close the lid!" I yelled pointing in the king's direction but to me and Eggsy I was pointing at the lighter or should I say hand grenade.

" Close the fucking lid!" Eggsy yelled and his breathing by now was heavy.

" Alright mate... alright." Brendan spoke and flipped the lid closed. A sigh left my lips and I looked up to see a horrified King and Queen.

" No... Oh my god no! I'm so sorry! Not you... " I was at a loss of words as I looked between the two of them. The only sound that filled my ears was my own breathing as I looked at them. The sound of J.B's bark brought me back to reality I looked up saw the feed of the office and by now Brendan was on his feet but by then it was to late. A loud beeping filled the mic and then a loud crash followed by the sound of an explosion. I jolted to my feet and placed my hands on the table. My breathing was uneven and tears filled my eyes. Someone had blown up our home....

" Shit!" Roxy's voice filled the mic after that and the same horrible noises followed after. I looked back up to see the king, the queen and Tilde staring at me. I watched the feeds disappear completely and a tear rolled down my cheek. I looked back at Eggsy as a shaky sigh left my lips.

" I'm sorry." And with that I ran out of the room with Eggsy close behind me.

( HELLO EVERYONE!!! I really hope you enjoyed and as always I will see you in the next chapter!!! Bub-Bye!!!!)

Kings and Cowboys ( Sequel to To become a fine Gentleman )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin