Chapter seven: The past always finds a way to come back

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Whiskey's jet picked us up an hour or two later and brought us back to England to head to the Glastonbury Music Festival. Eggsy and I completely changed out of our suits to blend into the crowd. He wore a black shirt, Jeans, black hunter boots, a black baseball cap and his black sweatshirt with yellow strips down the sleeve and I wore black jeans shorts, a thin white flowing shirt and black converse, and a light blue cover up sweater. Once we arrived the field holding the festival was packed. Cars, Tents, and People were everywhere. Eggsy and Whiskey climbed out of the car and began to walk towards the venu but I grabbed Eggsy's hand.

" Be careful." I said looking up at him from my place in the car. He smiled at me and placed a hand on my cheek.

" Don't worry love I'll be fine." He said before leaning in and giving me a quick kiss.

" I'll be back soon." He said before joining Whiskey up ahead a little. I sat in the car not wanting to involved in this part of the mission. I placed my glasses on and watched from Eggsy's point of view as they walked up to the main entrance. A large man who I assumed to be the security guard looked at their wrist bands and let them pass.

" So what the fuck am I suppose to do with this?" Eggsy pulled out a small silver case that Whiskey had given him in the car and looked over at Whiskey.

" It goes on you finger and there is a surveillance tracker in the tip. Apply light pressure for three seconds to release it." Whiskey explained.

"Why don't we just go up to her... shake her hand, pat her on the back, whatever, you know. Job done." Eggsy joked and I smiled slightly at it.

"The hand is not a mucous membrane, Eggsy. Neither is the back. They teach you anything at Kingsman? What are you talking about? Our trackers are designed to enter the bloodstream. They circulate harmlessly, providing full audio and GPS." Whiskey laughed slightly and looked over at Eggsy. Eggsy shook his head slightly and walked toward the VIP bar where the target was standing.

"Mucus membrane...That's like up the nose, isn't it? What the fuck am I gonna do? Stick my finger..." he froze dead in his tracks and stopped himself by the end of his sentence and realized what he had to do as did I.

" It's not just inside the nose, is it?" he asked looking over at Charlie's ex and then back at Whiskey.

" No..." Whiskey spoke but Eggsy cut him off.

" Fuck." Eggsy said to himself and ran his hand through his hair.

" Babe I'm so sorry if I had a choice I wouldn't do this but Ii don't have a-" Before he could finish his sentence I pulled off my glasses and tossed them onto the dashboard.

' I almost lost him to tilde and now I might loss him to Charlie Hesketh's fucking ex girlfriend.' I thought as I placed my face in my hands and let out a shaky sigh.


After a while night time had fallen and Eggsy and Whiskey were still no where in sight. My head was tilted back as my eyes were fixed on the stars as the sound of the last few songs drifted through the night's breeze.

" Sorry doll no sleeping on the job." Whiskey's came from beside causing me to jump.

" Fucking hell Whiskey you scared me." I spoke and laughed slightly as he sat in the driver seat and we began to wait for Eggsy.

" He felt terrible about what he had to do." Whiskey spoke and I rested my chin on my hand and looked the opposite way. My necklace fell out from it place tucked under my shirt. Whiskey leaned closer to me and looked at my necklace which caught my eye.

" What is that?" He asked leaning back in his seat but still looking at my necklace. I sighed before I looked down and undid the clip on my necklace and placed it in the palm of my hand.

" It's the medal of valor." I spoke as the moonlight shined off of the gold parts.

" It was given to me... After my mother was killed in battle." I sighed and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

" My mother was the first female agent in Kingsman. She met my father through Kingsman. They were both in training when they met. After their training was completed they got married and had me. They went on mission after mission together. But one time when I was young a group of people wanted to eliminate Kingsman agents so they came after my father and my mother. My mother went after them alone and completed the mission and killed all of them but was shot near the heart and when into the hospital that night. But the next morning my father got a call from the hospital saying she had died from the injury. They send the medal of valor to honor agents and or those who have served in battle. My mother happened to be one of them and this is the way I remember him out in the field." I explained and felt tears running down my cheeks as I remembered my mother and how she died.

" She would have been very proud to see the agent you have become girly." He spoke and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

" Thank Whiskey." I sniffled slightly.

" I needed that." I finished and hear footsteps coming up behind us. I slowly turned around to see Eggsy standing behind us. His jaw was tightly closed and his hands were balled into fists at his sides. I turned back around and faced out the windshield.

" You have no right to be mad Eggsy." I spoke before hearing him climb into the backseat and Whiskey removed his hand from my shoulder and started the car. We began to drive off as the sun was finishing setting and the sky was a beautiful purple, black, and orange. My eyes were fixed on the first stars that began to show and then felt a hand on my shoulder causing me jump slightly.

" Love I'm so sorry I wouldn't have done it if there was any other way but we are in the middle of a kinda saving the world type of mission." He sighed look at me sadly but I smiled.

" I know Eggsy it's that I get jealous sometime and this time I have a very good reason to be." I spoke and Eggsy finally smiled.

" I almost lost you to Tilde and now I almost lost you to the ex-girlfriend of your pretty much arch enemy. " I laughed and Eggsy leaned back in his seat and look up at the sky as he spoke.

" Arch enemy, getting the girl in the end, saving the world... sounds like the life of a superhero."

" Oh dear lord." I said and face palmed.

" I'm serious." He protested. There was a silence in the car before we all began to laugh. Our laughs filled the air as we drove back to Statesman to find out were Charlie and The Golden Circle were hiding.

( HELLO EVERYONE!!!!! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry it out soooooo late I have just had so much going on lately. But thank you guys for reading this and as always I will see you in the next chapter. BUB-BYE!!!!!!!)

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