Chapter one: Beginning... again

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The cars in the distance rang softly off the brick walls of Savile Row's shops. The bell in hanging off the door rang as I walk out of the tailor shop and stood on the stone stairs that lead up to the shop. The small shinny gold plack that was placed in the stone wall of the shop was level with my torso so I could use it as a mirror to adjust my tie into the proper position. After a long days work it was so relieving to go home and see the love of my life. A sigh left my lips as I turned around and walked towards my black corvette parked right in front of the tailor. My hand wrapped around the doors handle but before I could pull the door open a familiar voice stopped me.

" Do you know how close I was to wearing one of those, getting the girl, and in some cases be called a hero but you just had to take it all from em didn't you Eggsy?" The man snapped. He seem oddly familiar to me but I couldn't identify him with out a little bit of help. I tapped the side of my glasses and to my surprise I did know this man and last time I saw him I was positive he was dead. I placed my hand behind my back and felt the cool grip of my 9-mm.


Jessica's POV

The old album rest in my lap as Merlin sat next to me. We laughed as the picture seemed to jump out of the book and create the moment all over again. There weren't many photos but they all mattered so much to me. After we flipped through most of the picture a photo appeared causing a sad sigh to leave my lips.

" When I was a kid my father would come home from long days work and be drained to the point were it looked like he was going to fall over. But still... somehow he would make time for me and sit down with me and tell me the stories of Kingsman and his work day. After years of hearing all these stories about the modern day gentlemen and the new agent sand even you in some cases. I decided it was my time to become one. I trained on my own for a few years and then told my father that I wanted to become a Kingman. After weeks and weeks of convincing I finally got him to say 'yes'. He chose me to be his candidate and I trained with the best of the best and somehow in the end topped them all. My father... he was there fro everything and now it's just really hard to believe he's gone. I don't know what I would do if I lost you Merlin you are the last thing I have left from my childhood." By now I had tears threatening to fall from my eyes. Merlin had a sad look in his eyes as I finished and the room filled with a hurt and pain filled silence. He rested his hand on my shoulder.

" I will always be here for it." His voice sounded hurt and fragile. A sad smile dusted my lips as I nodded softly.

" I know." I spoke. After a moment I sighed as I placed the album on the couch and stood up wiping away the tears that had run down my cheeks.

"I'm gonna go get some air I'll back." I said and he only nodded.

"I'm gonna head out anyway I have a long day tomorrow. I see you then?" He asked as he grabbed his jacket.

"Of course. Night Merlin." I smiled.

"Night Jessica."He spoke as he walked out the front door and closed it behind him. I turned around after a moment and walked outside. The night wind was light, the sky was clear.. the perfect night. the streets were empty the only sound was the cars passing a few streets away and police sirens. My breathing seemed to be heavy as I was by myself. The world seemed to slow as the sound of running footsteps echoed off the brick and stone walls of the building on the street. I slowly turned to find someone running full speed at me.

" There you are you two-faced bitch!!" A mans voice shouted as they saw I had turned. They stride didn't slow as they became closer and closer. Once there face was revealed in the light of the street light above my heart stopped. He threw a punch as I focus on my fear for only a moment but it was a moment to long. The stinging pain of something hard come in contact with my stomach caused me to gasp at the pain and fall back into my knees.

Kings and Cowboys ( Sequel to To become a fine Gentleman )Where stories live. Discover now