Chapter 1: Green Eyes & Sweets

Start from the beginning

"You were suppose to be here fifteen minutes ago," he said. I smiled apologetically. I looked at my cell phone and saw it was 10:15pm. Fortunately, the library stayed open until midnight.

"I'm sorry. My shift went- "

"You should probably schedule for a different time if you can't make it." Rick was very close to pissing me off.  Was it so hard to let me talk? I took a deep breath and calmed myself. I would be mad too if someone kept me waiting.

Luckily we got right to work after that short tense exchange. Rick was able to explain a few statistical concepts to my understanding but the majority of my work still looked foreign to me.

It didn't help that I had a hard time staying concentrated on boring math when there was a gorgeous specimen in front of me. By the end of our first session it was clear that I needed a lot more help. So thankfully Rick agreed to keep tutoring me, even though we had to meet late at night.

December 2008

Over the weeks that passed Rick loosened up and I felt more comfortable around him. We eventually became good friends. He told me about how numbers intrigue him which was why he was double majoring in Finance and Accounting. He was in his junior year and wanted to make some easy money so he became a tutor.

I learned about his obsession with DC and Marvel comics. He knew tons of random trivia on action heroes and their background and had a huge collection of vintage comic books. At first glance, I wouldn't have pictured Rick to be a numbers and comics type of guy. And although, I knew nothing about either subject we still seemed to click.

  We basically were the last ones to leave the library. At about ten minutes past midnight the staff finally kicked us out. Taking advantage of the foot long height difference, Rick used my shoulders for his armrest as he walked me to my car.

Truth be told, I didn't mind his arm around me. I'd been crushing on him since our first couple sessions but I was too intimidated to say anything. He was tall, gorgeous and...white. I wasn't sure I was his type. Especially with all the Victoria Secret model Barbie chicks that were swarming UMass' campus. And I wasn't naïve to the women that would drool over him or interrupt our study sessions to ask him dumbass questions like, "Oh Rick what's the homework? I totally forgot." Or my personal favorite, "Rick can you be my tutor too? I need help in my [insert lie] class." All those bitches made me sick.

Luckily we didn't have many interruptions on this particular night. Rick hadn't talked much outside of helping me with math, which was strange. Something was on his mind but I didn't want to be nosy. When we reached my car he let his arm drop, much to my disappointment. I put my backpack and purse in the backseat then turned around to lean against my car door. His eyes seemed to be shining despite the darkness of the evening.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride to your apartment?" I asked. Rick lived in a close but off campus apartment with his older brother who was a senior at UMass and although he had a car he preferred to ride his skateboard everywhere.

He smiled and shook his head, "I'll be fine." He placed the skateboard that was tucked under his arm on the ground. I put one foot on it then looked at him. He held my hands to help me steady myself while I stepped up on his board. Now that the height difference wasn't as big I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug like I did most nights. Except on this night his arms stayed at his sides, rather than around my waist. I pulled back and looked at him. The way he was staring into my eyes made my heart beat hard and fast against my chest.

"What?" I asked.

"Can you...we," he stopped. A deeper blush appeared on his cheeks. One I could tell wasn't from the coldness outside. Rick never stuttered. He always was relaxed and calm I'd never seen him so flustered. So to watch him stammer over his words made me even more nervous. I had a feeling it was something bad or sad but tried to keep my face neutral.

"What is it? Just tell me."

He opened his mouth then closed it then tilted his head back and blew out a gush of air from his lungs.

"Sweets, can I see you outside the library?" He'd given me the nickname 'Sweets' because even though I wanted to major in Nutrition I had a mild candy obsession.

My face scrunched in confusion. I didn't get what the big deal about that was. Dramatic ass.

"Sure, where do you want to study instead? Maybe we can-"

"No, no not that way...can I take you on a date?"

My mouth literally fell open. That was the last thing I expected him to say. I was so shocked that accidently leaned back causing me to loose my balance on the skateboard. I landed on the ground hard. I looked up and saw Rick doubled over, face red from laughing.

"Why didn't you catch me?" I was so embarrassed, I felt like crawling under my car. Rick was still standing there laughing at me, not even bothering to help me up. I pushed myself off the ground and brushed off dirty loose gravel particles. The pavement in the parking lot was slightly wet from melted snow and dirty from car tires.

I picked up my keys that had fallen out my pocket and my cell phone before opening the driver side door.

"Wait don't leave," Rick said in between laughs. "You should've seen your face. You were all like," he mocked my face and my body movements from when I fell.

"Bye asshole. I hope you fall off your skateboard on your ride to your apartment." I had one foot in my car when Rick grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"I'm sorry Sweets but, come on, that was funny." I just glared at him. "Okay seriously, I want to take your clumsy ass on a date." I bit my lip to keep from smiling. I wanted to say no because he laughed at me but I also wanted to say yes so so bad.

I turned to face him and crossed my arms putting on my best angry face. I couldn't keep my angry front long because he looked absolutely adorable with his bright green eyes, rosy cheeks and scruffy facial hair.

"Fine I'll go on a date with you."

Rick's face stretched into the biggest smile I had ever seen him make. It was contagious and my own face broke out with a large grin. He pulled me into a tight hug that lifted me off the ground. Giggling, I made sure to hold on to him because I didn't want to fall again. He placed me back on the ground and kissed my forehead.

"I'll call you," was the last thing he said before he hopped on his skateboard and rode off into the cold night.

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