chapter 10

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*Hermione's P.O.V.*

after having a fun week around the manor with my brothers and sister and my new best friends, Ginny, Draco, Astoria, Daphne, Theo and Pansy, it was finally time to go back to school. We all squashed in one compartment (all 10 of us!) and we were laughing and having a good time until Hannnah Abbot knocked and opened the door. 

"hi hannah!" me and Ginny said.

"hi guys, McGonagall wants to talk to Hermione, Ginny, the oldest Zabini brother and Malfoy in an empty compartment she found."

"we'll be right over there, thanks hannah." and she left to go and see her boyfriend, Ernie MacMillan. 

we found McGonagall sitting and reading in a compartment. we knocked on the door and was granted access to the area. she began to speak:

"i asked you to come here for the time being because the four of you have been given privliges around the school. Miss Zabini and Mr Malfoy, you have been selected by me and the other teachers for head boy and girl while Miss Malfoy and Mr Zabini have been selected for Deputy head boy and girl. congratulations to you all and I trust that you will not abuse this power around the school such as being able to hand out and take away house points, hand out detention and to patrol the corridors at night. You must make a schedule with the prefects of who takes each night shift to patrol once we get there. you will also be given a common room to share behind a portrait of Professor Snape and the password is "aquanenti". goodbye seventh years and I hope you enjoy the year. "

I was beyond happy. I had been elected head girl and I will be surrounded by my friends and family all year! we were about to enter the compartment when I realised that Ginny and Blaise weren't here, however I was pulled to the side by Draco. We entered the next compartment while Neville and lu. a were getting changed into their robes.

"listen Hermione, I haven't properly apologised for all those years I was a bully. I promise I'm not like that now. I'm sorry that I was horrible about your old apperaernce, I always commented on your teeth, commented on your hair and others. I'm sorry that I called you that word everytime I saw you. I'm sorry that I did all thise horrible things to you and most of all, I'm sorry that I didn't do anything to stop my aunt in our manor. I didn't know what j could have done but I wish I did so something." at this point I was crying and he was about to. I was sat next to him, rubbing circle shapes on his back while he spoke." and I want you to know that you don't have to answer me or that you can  say no but.... well, do you want to be my girlfriend? "

I thought for a moment. I hadn't known him as this new person for very long but I could tell when he was lying and he was not lying here. This was a sincere apology for the past and he has grown on me in the last weeks

" yes I will" and we bit smiles and held hands as we entered the compartment.

*Ginny's P. O. V. *

Hermione and Draco walked ahead and I saw him take her into an empty compartment, soon I felt Blair tugging at my arm to go into a compartment with him. I did and sat next to him

"listen, I know we haven't known each other that long and we never really spoke at Hogwarts in the past and I know that Draco was a douche to you all but I wanted to know something. if you don't know the answer then you don't have to give me one. I also know that this has been spring on you but in Slytherin we just ask these things, will you go out with me? " Blair asked me,.

" Of course I will  I was already developing a small crush on you anyway" I blushed and blushed even deeper when he held my hand in his as we walked back to the compartment. I didn't lie, I was developing a crush on Blaise but it was happening faster than I cared to admit. it doesn't matter now though because he is my boyfriend. We reached the compartment and noticed that Hermione and Draco had not yet arrived back so we told the rest what had happened. They were all happy for us and  we were happy. TmwmWe all became more happy when Hermione walked in, holding hands with my brother, the same thing obviously happening to her as it was to me. Our journey passed by quickly and soon we were arriving at Hogsmede to take carriages to the castle. Nerves began to form in my gut because I was about to he resorted and I hope that I will be in Slytherin like my brother, parents and closest friends who we just like family to me in such a short anoint of time. I felt that I could trust them with my life.

*Hermione's P. O. V. *

Time flew by in the compartment with my new best friends, family and even boyfriend and we were soon approaching our stop. I was nervous to he resorted but confident that I will be a slytherin because of my family being in Slytherin for generations and not to mention the Slytherin habits I picked up these past few weeks.

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