chapter 26

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A/N:so this is gonna be a long chapter so brace yourself, a lot will be revealed so don't skip even a word.

Kaitlyn POV
Two weeks later

''Kim where are you Lisa where's everyone" I called out to my sister

I woke up today, feeling exhausted already, after what happened  weeks,
Everyone has been acting distinct to each other, Jacob even stop coming to school he's Been avoiding us, Sasha doesn't even come to visit, Lisa on the other hands doesn't talk much and hardly stays at home and, Kim has been acting like someone who just got her heart crushed and, if I ask her she always says I'm fine. Am really worried about us plus my dreams are back and I think we're gonna all be in trouble, I don't think we are ready yet, I know I am Kim well, maybe considering what she did at the night of octile, that's what they named the night apparently.

It was allover the news, strange lighting struck california, a group of teenagers were spotted, but we couldn't identify their faces, being attacked by wolves, glad when we were caught on camera, we were in our human form, so the whole neighbourhood have been scared to come out lately.

I checked  both rooms, still not around, I went and showered and yeah my hair colour  is finally back to normal, even though now am not sure what's my hair colour, yesterday it was white and today its black, my original hair colour I think and, sometimes am blonde I wonder if Kim has the same thing too, cause lately she doesn't wash her hair  or do anything useful I need to talk to her.

I got out of the shower and, went to my closet thinking of what to wear, I was so confused, what's the use anyway its not like am going to school today since, I can't see anyone here maybe I should stay like this with the bathrobe then. It's settled, with that I went downstairs and turn on the TV I put on my favorite channel, the ABC channel and my favorite show was on blackish, looks like am getting lucky It was the episode of Junior's graduation party, such a deep episode I was so into it I  didn't notice when someone came in it was Kimberly looking like she has given up.

"Hey Kim where did you go? woke up and didn't see you this morning what happened?" I went over to her, helping her sit

"Aaron broke up with me" she let out crying, that explains it

"Wait you guys weren't even going out so what do you mean?" I asked

"Well after the night of octile, I went to face him in school about being a werewolf and, why he didn't tell me, he got mad and kept avoiding so, that's why I stopped going to school so this morning, he text me to meet him in school and when I got there I walked into him and Millie making out in the lab" I pulled her in for a hug to let it all out, that jerk wait till I lay my hands on him, and wasn't millie good now.

"Then what happened?" I asked for the remaining

"He told  me that he forgot I was Coming to meet him, he didn't even tell me sorry just, went back making out with Millie" she cried out loud this time

"Awwn honey sorry, he's such a jerk I can't believe Millie would do that to you and, to think we became friends again, she betrayed us again" I emphasise

"Its not her fault, I blame Aaron am sure he did this  I'm never talking to  him" she tried to see the bright side I think

"That's right, now your talking. Now please go take a shower and wash your hair, just fix yourself cause you really have been a mess this whole pass weeks but, Aaron broke up with you today so I don't understand why you've been sad this week?" I added

"Uhmm its nothing yeah I gotta go be right back" she immediately ran off the stairs

without looking back all I heard was shower sounds, while i sat there wondering what is she's hiding just then Jacob appeared.

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