chapter 16

23 11 21

Kimberly's POV
"We did it Lisa we did it thanks for helping us, your dad really is evil'' I was saying to lisa smiling we made it out safe

"Yeah I always knew she was good right Lis" jacob complimented too, giving her a hug

"Okay Jacob, stop flirting with her okay, just be glad she helped us escaped" I added

"Thanks Lisa really thanks but, now we have to go but, if you want in you can follow us" I said to her

"Its okay, carry along I'm gonna stick around here for the time being" she started mopping around

"Okay then, home here we come but Jacob you still didn't explain how Kaitlyn came here" I turned to him

"Long story but now tell me what did you want to tell me?"  He grabbed my hands

"It was nothing let's just find the fairy king and queen" I ignored him, I can't tell him now

"Well we're here" I pointed to the mountain, and we saw ourselves going inside, and I don't even remember walking the distance

"Your Majesties please help us get home" jacob faced the two sits in front of us

"The answer was with you all along just let it be" a man appeared

"What do you mean sir king" jacob looked confused, it's really cute when he's intimidated

"Jacob just say your majesty" kait appeared too, has she been here the whole Time

"Easy for you to say kait am nervous" he admitted, that's strange, what is going on

"Kim its in you, just say the key and you'll be free, all of you and, your friends think my child use that magic in you" a lady appeared

"I, I, I, I can't I just can't" I stammered before I felt myself drifting from the mountain

"Dad she's moving Kim, what's happening?" Lisa panicked

"Its okay, its the spell working she won't make it" elvador laughed

"I'll be right back dad" she announced

''Kim? Kim? can you hear me grab my hand" I finally opened my eyes realising I've been dreaming

"Kait is that you how come" I faced my sister

"Grab my hand" she stretched, but I couldn't my whole body was numb, I felt paralysed

"But I, I can't" I declared

"Try okay  its the only way out now" she stretched closer, before looking over to make sure elvador wasn't looking

"Where's Jacob" I asked whispering

"He's still in slumber so, its up to me and you"

"Not if I have something to do about it" lisa came into the room and caught us awake, nooo! This is all my fault I did this.

"Lisa" I let out

"I knew you guys weren't affected guess I'll have to do it again" she faced us

"Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" Kaitlyn struggled to let a word in

"Too late you lose" she smiled

"Father! father I found them awake but, I casted a spell on them again" she proudly said to her dad

"You what" I sparked at her

"Isn't that what I was supposed to do" she looked at me puzzled, this girl is really bad at this

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