chapter 2

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Somewhere in new Orlands

Kaitlyn POV
Ahh! I was woken up by the sound of my alarm, jeez its Monday again, school so not ready I thought.

Let's get to it, my story pretty normal you know, I lived alone cause, my parents went out one day and never returned, it happens right anyway, I still kept living there and going to school and, I still don't know why I could have stop but, I decided to.

Waking up with my grumpy mood I hurried into the shower, for my morning routine.  I washed my hair, showered and it happened again, it always does.

"why! go away" I screamed starring blankly at the mirror.  I was haunted that's the only logical explanation, since when I was little, kids  would run away from me and, my parents didn't tell me why. when I grew up I got to know why, obviously though,  it turns out when am with them if I get angry, it rains and when am happy it shines and rainbows appear out of no where, at first it was nice until a day a kid made me so mad it started raining and thunder destroyed his home,  my parents were told to keep me away from their  kids and, so I was always alone if kids see me they run, so I grew up with getting use to being ignored but, I didn't care cause I heard my poppy.

She was this little girl I think, she was small like a pixie! Crazy they exist, who knew.  I found her when I was little, I went to play by the lake and I saw her caught in between a grass, and I helped her out, I was little then so it seem normal for me to see a little creature, so we became close she liked me.  For some unknown reason since we met she kept saying "you're the one, its really you, I'm so honored to meet you"  I just ignored it and we got along she was my little magical fairy, I love fairies I had them everywhere in my room, I paint a lot and all I do is paint them, I wish I was one.  I thought they were so free flying about living their worries behind, but back to reality now.

I screamed and all they said was "its time, its almost time"  I screamed again and they vanished, it was my parents, ever since they left they always appear in my dreams telling me it's time and that's all they say, it's really creeping me out, after a long stare at the mirror,  I finally braced myself for school.

I got dressed and left for school, I had black hair and purple eyes, which was strange cause I was the only one with such colour of eyes, and I had this flower around my hair that my parents warned me never to take off, like come on its a band, I could do it anytime for all you know, but the day they left I tried it,  it was like it was glued shot, immediately it spark and I never dared to touch it again.

I got to school minutes later before checking in on poppy, I always hid her in my bag, and we left to class another day God I hate life I thought.

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