chapter 15

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Kimberly's POV
"What happened? where are we Jacob?" I was finally feeling better after a long abyss and darkness I was up

"Oh you're finally awake fairy Queen" a girl came out of the shadows

"Excuse me who are you? what's happening here?" I faced her

"Don't pretend like you don't know  me look closely" she came at me, looking closely at her, it all came to me

"Lisa!" I let out "how come? where's Jacob and why am I tied to a tree" I demanded

"He's not here, he left you so shut it" she clapped back at me

"Why are you doing this? where's elvador" I suddenly examined the situation, she kidnapped us

"You called your majesty, pathetic" a man came in looking at me, spitting at me, he turned to Lisa "I finally have you, you've done good Lisa go watch the other two, me and this one have some catching up to do" he dismissed her, before facing me

"What are you gonna do to me" I looked up to him

"You'll see and, am sure you've heard about it anyway" he used a staff he was holding to lift my face up

"How did I even get here" I tried struggling with the ropes, I can't be here

"Fool guards get the slapping stick I think she needs it" he let out, seriously there's another stick

"What" I looked confused

"Do I have to explain myself, the stick is used for slapping dummies" he banged his foot on the floor

"Not that how we got here" I raised an eyebrow at him

"Simple your parents left you guys unprotected so, I had my way pretty easy and, your sister was foolish enough to take off her Shield" he was walking in circles, explaining himself before pausing in his tracks

"Parents liar, they are all dead" I declared, knowing that fairy world was destroyed and all of it, but an here right, but I've still not seen any body yet

"Well yeah fool but, the crystal and flower protects you two but now that Kaitlyn took hers off, I knew that was my chance to get you here and, I succeeded" he chuckled evilly

"So you where watching us?" I said in a pitch high note

"Interrupt me one more time and, I'll ruin you" he warned, pointing a stick at me before he continued "anyway I wasn't, I didn't even know you survived, my daughter never told me. She still thought you where her friend, until Kaitlyn pulled her stupid stunt then, I saw you both, I knew I had to do what I had to, so I used the wizard to get you here then, I lost track of you two but, Lisa found you she felt betrayed by you so, it was easy to get her on my side and as for Kaitlyn all she had to do was go to your house and I got her too" he paused, well good I can speak now

"Kaitlyn is here where I have to talk to her" I panicked, I wanted to see her even talk with her

"Guards now" I hear him say, and before I knew what was happening, he used the stick he was holding to smack me on the cheek, seriously.

"Uhmm ouch what did I do?" I looked baffled

"Interruption shall not be taken lightly" he raised his fist in the air, he really is dramatic "As I was saying so, I lured you guys here and, now I have you both and the wizard so you see" he clapped his hands at me

"Why are you doing this, just let us go we don't even know what's happening" I explained

"Silence Lisa! Lisa! where are you" he called out

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