chapter 1

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Before I proceed
All rights reserved all my characters are my ideas, any are my creative thinking, please no copying my work! no translating in any other language! my work my rights, don't wanna be rude just protecting my rights as a writer.

Any one who copy's my work please inform me, you have a creative mind everyone does so use it.
Thank you!

The beginning

It all started when elvador came to fairy land, he caused so many chaos he destroyed all of it, fairy land was no more, nobody heard of it again at least so everyone heard. Years went by, people thought it was gone, lost and so it remained like that never to be talked about again.

Kimberly POV
Today started off annoying, I woke up after having a strange dream, my life has always been strange, when I was little, my parents for some reason never talked about me. I was left in the shadow, my baby pictures where never found, I didn't have a birth certificate and when I ask why, they just say its nothing, I didn't believe cause I always have this dream, where I see two people claiming to be my parents, I was always confused but I never told them,  my life was just not normal.

I even once woke up, and I saw myself with wings, I saw the two people in my dreams telling me it's time, then all of a sudden I realized it was a dream, even though it felt real. I never told anyone only my friends knew this cause I told them everything, but I just couldn't tell my parents.

I got up showered, washed my hair got dressed and left for schoo immediately, heading down I met them! My parents obviously

"hey sweetie, you forgot your lunch" the woman said

"never mind I don't feel like eating today" I rolled my eyes before walking out,  I always do that mainly to trigger them into giving me answers, and I left.

"you know she's gonna find out soon right? cause its almost time things are not going great now in fairy land. They need them" her mom said

"please malika, not now she's too young please! I don't wanna have this conversation again, okay" and he walked away

I hated school, for some reason I always have this fantasy of having my own world, seeing my self flying all alone, I just wish I could.

I got to school and met Sasha and Jacob my two best friends.

"Hey Kim" sasha smiled at me

"hey guys"

Sasha was just like me, we both understood each other well, a little though cause, she also had the same strange dreams I use to have but hers where a bit different. She once woke up and saw that she was wet from head to toe but her bed wasn't, and somehow she could talk to fish also and, other sea creatures and loves water, she could swim so fast you'll think she was a fish, people always tell her join the swimming team but she just says, "no not my thing'' but actually her parents warned her never to, for some unknown reason, but like I said, our lives were not normal. And then Jacob, he was very strange you could say people where so scared of him, if we're walking the moment Jacob is sighted, people hide but he doesn't care he was always mysterious, even we don't get him sometimes, he had green eyes today tomorrow, its red he had a very calm voice and his hair was black so black, he had this little strap of blonde by the side but he still rocked it,he never talks much,  we where always together and people never got into our way, probably cause of Jacob and of course Sasha! She always has this sarcasm anytime she spoke,  she had brown eyes and her hair was red thick red, and I had brown hair and, this diamond on my forehead it was tattooed on me when I was little, so I grew up getting use to it.

That's us, your average normal American teenagers.

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