chapter 25

30 11 17

Kimberly's POV
"Guys wake up its time we have to go now" I was up before everyone, so I was trying to wake them off, going to answer the doorbell.

"I'll go get that, you guys better get dressed before I come back up" I said to Kaitlyn before going to the door, I ran downstairs to go see who it was, I already knew its either Sasha or Jacob. But when I opened the door rather I was shocked, it was Jacob and Sasha together and, I know very well they don't get along to even show up together, I let them in and they sat down in separate chairs now thats the two I know.

"So where's Lisa and Kaitlyn" Jacob finally spoke up after minutes of silence I must say they're both acting weird

"They're getting ready then we'll be on our way'' I didn't want to get my hopes up

"Kim can me and you talk" sash turned to me

"Yeah sure what's up" I smile at her

"Jacob do you mind" she turned to him

"How can you say that to him, He's our friend you know so anything you wanna say he has to know" i turned to her, we don't hide things from each other

"Its a girl secret" she turned to me

"GIRL SECRET, okay Jacob out go upstairs my room anywhere" I smiled evilly

"We're ready let's go guys" lisa and kait cut us, there's goes my secret

"Guess we'll talk some other time" I turn to sash, We all left and got into Jacobs car, he recently got his license so he's been driving around lately, we got to the house in, we all went in the house, it was very dark and dusty, it looked like no one has been there for years, I used my crystal so we could see clearly suddenly we heard voices up the stairs.

"I'll go check it out " jacob turns to us

"I'll come too" kait followed

"Yeah you guys do that me, Sasha and, Lisa will stay here, wait where's Lisa, we all looked around but we didn't see her ,Jacob and Kaitlyn left and I was left alone with sash. Where could that girl be

"I told you, we shouldn't trust her she just left us here maybe it was a plan all along" sash turned to me, again with this

"Am sure it means nothing so, what did you want to tell me earlier?" I asked

"Me and Jacob kissed Kim" she looked sad, seriously I don't know how I feel now, but we just made up need to keep it cool

"What?" just then we heard someone screaming, we ran upstairs and we saw Kaitlyn tied on a chair

"Kait what happened where's Jacob?" I ask her

"I dunno we were looking around wanting to find out where the noise was coming from but, then I heard someone talking, I turned around but Jacob wasn't there anymore and, that's when someone hit me from behind and I woke up seeing myself sitting here" she looked startled

"OMG two people missing now this is serious" I turn to sash

"You mean one Kim, I'm sure Lisa is behind all this let's get kait out of the chair though" she walks over to help with the ropes

"So what next now" kait said getting up

"Let's get out of here now as soon as possible'' sash said to her

"What about Jacob?" I added

"Kimberly let's go now, he'll be fine he's a wizard he can keep up" kait said to me "Now let's go"

"You guys aren't going anywhere, we are gonna settle this here or I destroy your friends" Millie appeared out of nowhere, while we making our way to the door

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