Chapter Seventeen

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*A month later*

Matt shoved his hands in his pockets. Hunching up against the silent bite of the January snow. He trudged his way to the tree where he was going to see Will. It had been a long time... Things hadn't worked out the way they were planned. Matt never did marry Will. But nth at didn't stop them seeing each other often. She was by the tree when he approached. Matt remembered that tree. They'd carved their initials onto it. M.B + W.F. It was a stupid childish thing. But to Matt and Will, it meant everything. Will grinned when Matt approached. He smiled seeing her looking so young and beautiful, glowing. "Hello Will." He said softly. He was so afraid to touch her. "Dom and Chris say hi." He added. Will nodded. Matt slowly sat down on the bench underneath the tree. Will took her place beside him instantly. "I often come here." He whispered. "It's quiet. Gives me time to think." Matt paused, biting back tears. "Think about our wedding. The family we'd have..." He let a tear fall. Will reached across and lightly touched his hand. Matt smiled at the simple gesture. "Thanks." He muttered, wiping away the tears with his coat sleeve. "Do you still think about us?" He asked. Will looked down. She nodded, tears rolling down her pale cheeks. Matt slowly wiped them away. "Don't cry." He smiled. Will looked at him, a small smile on her face. Matt stayed with her watching the sun set. Two young people in love.

Matt watched as the sun fell. New tears pricking his eyes. "This is goodbye isn't it?" He asked quietly. Will nodded. "It still hurts." He whispered. "It hurts not having you around anymore." He thought back to the night she'd left. It had been so late. They had been on a date. Matt knew Will should have stayed with him, but she was persistent. He let her go. The idiot he was. If he had just gone with her... It would never have have happened... At some point min the night he'd fallen asleep, and was awoken by the phone. He wasn't expecting it. "Hello?" He had said.

"Mr Bellamy?"


"We have some bad news..." Matt felt the same stabbing pain again. He opened his eyes to see that Will was gone. In her place was a gravestone.

Here lies Will Martina Fuoco. Beloved sister and fiancé. Taken from us at too young an age.

"Mr Bellamy?" A voice asked bringing Matt back to the real world. He looked up.

"Hmm..." He mumbled. The person handed him an envelope. On it was his name. Matt stared at it.

"We found it amongst Will's things..." The man replied, leaving Matt alone. The verdict of her death had been suicide. The drunk driver serving a ten year sentence. Ever since that night Matt knew he would never be the same. Slowly he opened the envelope.


It's been a while hu? How many months? Long enough for them to have found this I guess.

I guess you could say I knew it would end like this. Ever since we first saw each other nearly seven years ago. You see. I needed to find my sister. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor eight years ago. They said that I would be lucky if I lived to be 20. But I made it to 29. And I'm so glad I did, because I wouldn't have met you otherwise. I only wish I could make this hurt less. But you have to let me go Matt.

It's difficult. I know. I always knew one of us would die. What we had was too good to last... But I will never leave you.

I will always love you. But please don't live your life alone. Find someone who makes you happy. As happy as you made me.

Promise me you will move on, but don't forget me. Whenever you visit our place, I will never be far away. If you ever feel alone, look to your side and I will be there.


Your Will xx

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