Chapter Seven

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Matt stared at the hard stone pavement. Different scenarios played in his mind. Will being attacked, lying in a gutter somewhere. Or. He was waisting his time and she wasn't going to be there at all.

He sighed. Matt had hoped that him and Will could have worked. He wanted it to work. Matt wanted them to be a thing. More than a thing. Matt wanted to be Will's one and only. "It was a stupid idea, and it will never happen..." Matt muttered to himself. He let out a deep breath of air and walked, intending to go home. He had almost given up hope when he saw Will's flaming hair from a distance.

Matt couldn't hide his joy. A great grin spread across his face. He was so glad to see her. He was especially glad to see her looking so beautiful. Her long red hair in loose curls around her shoulders, with a light blue summer dress flowing around her ankles. Matt knew he'd probably never remember what she wore on their date. But he'd never forget how she looked. Will noticed Matt staring. "Too much?" She asked. Matt shook his head, not trying to hide the love in his eyes.

"No. You look perfect. Beautiful even." He whispered. Will smiled down at the ground, blushing slightly.

Matt watched Will closely. He couldn't help thinking that one evening with her would never be enough. He wanted to see her every night and every day. Even then that wouldn't be long enough. He wanted to wake up beside her every morning and fall asleep with her every night. And only with Will, no one else could come close to making him feel this way. Will was special. And Matt didn't ever want to let her go. "Tonight was really fun, Matt. Thank you." She smiled, kissing him lightly on the cheek. Matt stayed looking into her eyes, loving how blue the moonlight made them. His arms wrapped around her and pulled Will closer. She didn't fight. Matt kissed her lips lightly.

"Perfect." Matt thought to himself.

Will pulled away, hands staying around Matt's neck. "I like kissing you." She giggled. Matt smirked. He noticed that she was standing on tiptoes. It was the only way her tiny figure could even get close to Matt's. He picked her up and Will sighed snuggling into Matt's chest.

"I like kissing you too." Matt whispered, carrying her upstairs to her flat.

He watched Will curl up into a ball in her bed. She was still beautiful. Matt smiled and walked away. "Matt?" Her voice asked. He looked back around to see her sitting upright, pouting slightly.

"Yes?" Matt asked, mocking her. She looked at him. There was such innocence in that look. Her face a thing of purity.

"Stay with me." She asked. But they was she said it was more of a statement than a question. Matt made his way to her bed. He lay down and cuddled Will from behind.

"Ok, but only if you go to sleep."

"Sing to me?" She asked. One hand around her, the other winding a strand of her hair around his finger.

"Free me. Free me. Free me from this world. We don't belong here, it was a mistake imprisoning my soul. Can you free me? Free me from this world..."

Matt sang, his voice making it sound like a lullaby. Will sighed, content and it wasn't long before her breathing got deeper.

Matt stayed with her or a few moments. He wanted to move, but didn't want to wake Will. So instead he stayed where he was, cuddling her like he couldn't bare to let go.

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