Chapter Two

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Will paced the floor of her flat. Her sensible self was saying, don't call him. But another part of her wanted to. Attracted to the strange effect he had over her.

Will was fully aware that he was dangerous. She knew it the moment she set eyes on Matt, but when he was there with her... it was like she was a puppet and Matt controlling her. Deciding her every thought, emotion and move.

He was doing it now. Will knew it wasn't her picking up the phone and punching in his number. Matt ruled her desire. The side of Will that was drawn to this, mysterious character.

Gnawing at the hangnail on her thumb, Will placed the phone to her ear, letting it ring.

"I knew you'd call." Matt chuckled. Will pictured his smirk, the flicker of lust in his eyes as he spoke to her.

"I called so you can tell me why you followed me last night. I want to know... Matt." Will tired to say it as calmly as she could , but her voice wobbled and then drifted away.

"I like you. You're a good girl, Will." He said, with no hint of emotion in his voice, but Will knew he was smiling. A smile Will prayed she would never see. Because that smile meant that she was in way over her head.

"How do you know my name?" Will asked, voice shaking. But Matt had already hung up.

Will nibbled at the hangnail again. It was getting scary. How did he know so much? He was obviously in her brother-in-law's band, but Will liked to stay out of the limelight. She knew so little about Matt, and yet he knew more about her from only three minutes together last night. And what did Matt mean by 'a good girl?'

She had been concentrating on Matt so much, trying to piece it all together that the knock at the door made her jump, ripping the hangnail halfway down her thumb. Will watched as the red liquid oozed from her torn skin. The pain brought tears to her eyes. But that was pushed aside, as Will still only had Matt on her mind.

Will opened the door and was greater by Electra and Lottie. She sat down on the sofa with her friends, but was withdrawn from their conversation of clothes and makeup. Will stared into space and absent mindedly nibbled the skin around her bleeding thumb.

"Hello! Earth to Will!" Electra said with a raised voice as she waved one of her perfectly manicured hands in front of Will's face.

"Hu?" Will murmured, dazzled from being lost deep in thought.

"I said; don't nibble the skin on your fingers. It's a disgusting habit." Electra sighed, pulling Will's hand away from her mouth. She sighed again at Will's bitten fingernails and bleeding thumb.

"You should grow them out like mine," Electra said, proudly showing off her freshly painted nails. "You'll never find a boyfriend with hands like that. Or so I thought!" She grinned. "Who was the guy you were sharing numbers with last night?" She asked eagerly. Her blue eyes shinning.

It was then that Will noticed how Electra's eyes were like to Matt's. But not enough to match. Where Electra's were deep and friendly, Matt's were very light and ice-like. Yet they were beautiful and full of emotion...

"You're doing it again!" Lottie laughed, nudging Will. She blinked and shook her head.

"Sorry." Will muttered, running her hands through her smooth brunette hair, and finally, she began to pay attention to her friends.

"Who is he?" Electra persisted. "The guy from last night?" Will frowned, thinking of a plausible answer.

"Matt." She replied.

Electra rolled her eyes, annoyed at the simple answer. Even his name made Will feel strange...

"Matt what?" Lottie asked "What does he do?" Will paused. She didn't really know anything more than he was called Matt and in a band with Chris.

"He's in Chris' band. But I don't know Matt that well..." She shrugged, trying to act cool. Will wasn't exactly lying, she didn't really know Matt. As she thought this her stomach churned. "But he knows me." She added inside her head.

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