Chapter Ten

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The clock struck nine O'Clock. Electra was going to walk through that door any moment and Dom would work her around the room. The way they had done so many times before... He had waited so long to hold her in his arms again. But the door stayed closed, and Dom stayed watching.

"Maybe she's going to be a little late?" Chris suggested. But Dom didn't even look at him. He waited, watching the door in silence.

And the silence stayed.

The tension in the room was building by the minute, until the phone rang. It's ringing had been heard so often, but at that moment, in the silence, it had taken on a new melancholy sound.

Dom watched it for a moment, letting it ring. He stayed this way until he could stand the sound any longer. He picked up the phone suddenly and slowly placed it to his ear. The room falling into silence again. "Hello?" He asked. The other end spoke. "Yes." Dom replied. He listened. He waited... He stayed silent.

Dom swallowed as he let the phone hit the floor. He opened his mouth but made no sound. Just standing there, no it knowing how to act. Sinking slowly to his knees, Dom curled up on the floor and shut out the world. He made several muffled sounds. It didn't take long before they realised he was crying. For the first time, Dom had thought he wouldn't have to spend the rest of  his life alone. He had thought that from the moment he meet Electra. Saw her standing in line for her coffee. The way she smiled at him. She'd made him laugh. She was Dom's everything. He didn't want to die alone. "It's Ok Dom. She'll be home soon enough." Matt reassured Dom. Matt didn't understand. Dom didn't understand either. Matt lightly touched Dom's shaking shoulder. He looked up at Matt and the rest of the room as a tear escaped from his eye. He shook his head.

"No. I won't." He whispered.

He'd never realised before. It had never crossed Dom's mind that Electra could be lost as easily as she was found. And so soon. Dom knew their engagement was sudden, but one and a half months had been enough time for him to realise that he'd never love anyone else. He would have loved to have seen her in a wedding dress...

"Don't say that. She's probably just caught up in something." Will replied, walking closer to the tear-stained face looking at her. Dom closed his eyes as he looked down again. "She's never coming home. She's dead."

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