Chapter Fourteen

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When Matt came to, he was lying on a sofa. Will by his side. She let out name sigh of relief. "You're awake." She smiled. Matt tried to sit up, but groaned when the room started spinning. "Don't. You've got a concussion. You were bleeding pretty bad when I opened my door. It was certainty a shock to see you lying there." She whispered. "But I'm just glad you're ok." She sighed again, head resting on Matt's shoulder. Matt shuffled a bit, and pulled her up beside him. "No. The doctors told me not to do that."

" I don't care what the doctors said. I want a cuddle from the girl I was fighting over." Matt persisted, tugging Will, until she eventually gave in and did as he wished.

"Is that what happened?" She asked, finger tracing Matt's chest. "You were in a fight?" Matt nodded. "Who? I swear I'll kill them." Matt laughed slightly.

"You wouldn't hurt anyone, Will." He said, catching her hand. "Let's just say, the next muse album has been delayed." Will pulled her hand away.

"They dropped you didn't they? It's my fault. I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot..." Will muttered to herself. Matt hated seeing her beat herself up. He tried telling her to be quiet, but name wouldn't listen. "I'm the reason you're out of a job." She muttered.

"Will." Matt whispered, turning her face and silencing her with a kiss. "I wanted to leave. Ryan was the biggest bastard I've ever known. We're signed to other record deals, it'll all work out." He smiled. "Besides. Now I get more time with you." He whispered. Will laughed a little, cuddling up to him. Matt rest his head back down on the pillow. "Will?" He asked.

"Yeah?" she replied, looking map at him.

"I want to reconcile the violence in your heart." Matt sang softly. Will continued to look at him.

"I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask." She sang back.

"I want to exorcise the demons from your past." He finished waiting for her to reply.

"I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart." Will whispered.


Heyo! It seems like I started this only a few days ago, and already we are three chapters away from the end! Still I hope you are enjoying it, and I hope you like the end which will be posted today. Katelyn c:

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