Chapter Nine.

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Electra woke slowly from her dream. Admittedly she was upset that it was just a dream. She'd been back home. Back in Dom's arms. Warm. Safe. Loved. She couldn't,t wait to see him any longer. To hug him again. Although she loved her friends dearly, it was Dom that she missed the most when she travelled.

He would be so proud of her. Electra had gotten the model job. Her dream. She was surprised though, seeing as she was quite depressed about not being near him for a while. Electra guessed that she just had it. She thought this as the train pulled into the station. Electra picked up her bags and got on board. As she waited for it to pull out of the station, she glanced out of the window. A couple were embracing, saying their goodbyes. Electra thought about how she and Dom had been exactly the same less than a month ago. One clambered onto the train, waving frantically at her partner standing on the platform. The train lurched forward. Electra looked away from the window and sighed, slumping down in her seat. Her eyelids becoming heavy. She hadn't slept like this before. She couldn't sleep. Not without Dom being there too, protecting her as they slept.

As the train sped ahead, it closed the distance between Electra and Dom in a matter of seconds. Lack of will power made her close her eyes again, and the sheer exhaustion made her dream.

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