Fifteen :)

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Alicia's POV

A month later...

"Do you, Drake Hanson, take Hailey Stewart to be your happily wedded wife?" the priest asked.

"Yes I do." Drake quickly replied.

The priest turned to Hailey. "Do you, Hailey Stewart, take Drake Hanson to be your happily wedded husband?"

"Yes I do." she firmly stated.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife." the priest announced. "You may kiss the bride."

Drake pulled Hailey in for a kiss. All the people at the wedding cheered at the sight, including me.


Wedding party...

It was around 7:00 in the evening and Drake and Hailey were throwing a wedding party.

Drake stood up to make a toast. "I want you all to know that today is the greatest day of my life because I've been able to make the girl of my dreams my wife." he paused, looked at Hailey and smiled at her. Then continued, "I'm very happy that you all made it here today and to say that I'm grateful would be an understatement. I'm more than grateful. In life, all you need is a beautiful wife." he turned to Hailey. "A crazy best friend." he turned to me. "And wonderful parents." he turned to his mom and dad who were sitting not far away from him. "It is indeed great when you have all these people that you know will always be there for you, will always care for you and will always believe in you. So let's make a toast to greatness!"

He rose up his glass as everyone chimed, "To greatness!"

Glasses clinked and everyone cheered. Drake sat back down and took interest in whatever Hailey was trying to tell him. So I was going to use this opportunity to introduce everyone who was seated at my table which happened to be table 19. Does it ring a bell? Table 19? That movie with Anna Kendrick as the main character. Yeah that one. Anyway enough of that, I've got some introductions to do.

Six people were expected to be seated at this table but currently, we were five. The sixth person hadn't yet arrived. There was me, Drake, Hailey and two of Drake's friends. One male, the other female. The male who introduced himself as Richard clearly looked like the quiet type. He would only nod a few times and smile at you when you met eyes with him.

Okay moving on to the female, she goes by the name Anita. To me, she had too much makeup on. She was probably a natural beauty but the makeup was way too much, making her look like someone who was desperately looking for a life partner. No offense though.

As for Drake and Hailey there was no need to introduce them. The only person I hadn't introduced had not yet arrived. He or she was probably going to introduce himself or herself upon arrival.

I began playing candy crush on my phone since I was bored and food had not yet been served. I was so caught up in the game that I didn't even notice someone walk up to our table.

"Sorry for being late." I heard a voice say.

I didn't need to look up. The voice was so familiar that I didn't take a second to recognise who it belonged to. Tristan. What the fuck was he doing here? It had been so long since I saw him and I wasn't exactly expecting to see him here tonight. But I had missed him, and that was a fact I couldn't deny even if I tried to.

"No problem. Join us." Drake said and gestured to his seat.

Tristan sat on the chair that was left for him and glanced over at the people seated at the table. He  stopped when his eyes met mine. He stared at me and I stared back. I couldn't read his facial expression and I made sure he couldn't read mine too. I averted my eyes when it seemed like he was going to stare at me forever if I didn't avert my eyes.

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