Thirteen :)

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Tristan's POV

I gaped at the TV in shock. It couldn't be true. They couldn't have found out. I paced around the living room frantically. I felt agitated. I felt perturbed. How did this happen? How the hell did it happen? Alicia's footsteps interrupted my thoughts.

"Good morning bear." I heard her say and I turned around to face her.

"There is nothing good about the morning!" I said through gritted teeth. "And don't you ever call me bear again!!"

"What's wrong?" She tried to reach out to me but I brushed her off.

"I don't know why I allowed myself to fall in love with someone like you." I said, regret etched in my voice.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, looking confused. We all knew she was just pretending.

"You wanna play dumb? Fine. Have a look at what's showing on the TV." I told her, pointing to the television.

She turned to the TV and froze as soon as she saw and heard what was going on. She just stood there, staring at the TV. She uttered not a word. She left me waiting for an explanation. She couldn't just stand there. She had to say something!

"Say something!" I yelled.

She decided to keep silent.

"Did you not hear what the newscaster just said? Did you not see the pictures that were just shown? Haven't you realised what's going on yet? Answer me!" I yelled again.

"It wasn't me." she said, her voice was a bit shaky.

"Oh come on, Alicia. We can all see what's going on. The truth is right in front of us. They fucking know I'm the mysterious artist."

I harshly threw the remote that I was holding to the wall and it shattered into pieces on the floor.

"Damn it!" I cursed.


Alicia's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face. Today looked like a good day. But who knew that it was going to be my worst? After showering and doing all that needed to be done, I exited my room and went downstairs to the living room where Tristan was standing.

"Good morning bear." I greeted him with a smile although his back was facing me.

"There is nothing good about the morning!" he said through gritted teeth as he turned to face me. "And don't you ever call me bear again!!"

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I don't know why I allowed myself to fall in love with someone like you." he said with regret.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, totally perplexed.

"You wanna play dumb? Fine. Have a look at what's showing on the TV." he told me, pointing to the television.

I fixed my attention on the TV and I became dumbfounded the moment I heard and saw the news.

"Mysterious artist found to be a young billionaire named Tristan Campbell. It has been proven that he is indeed the mysterious artist. We received information from a person who doesn't want to be revealed to the public. However, we know for sure who the mysterious artist is now. Pictures of him are being shown on the top right corner of the screen as I speak." the newscaster announced.

Unpredicted LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora