24. Odd Discoveries

Start from the beginning

"—She thinks you're dating Jimin now and would like to meet him sometime," Taehyung whispered into my ear. "Shhhh, don't tell them I told you."

"Taehyung we can literally see you whispering into her ear," Jin facepalmed. "But I tried to cover for you, Jimin. You're on your own now. Good game, good luck, and have fun."

I went quiet.

The silence continued.

The dolls stared at me.

I stared back.

Kitty meowed.

"Y/N, say something—" Jimin started.

"You did what now?"

♡ ♡ ♡

"We are here this afternoon in order to pay our last respects and bid a sad but fond farewell to Jimin..." Jin began with a serious expression and firmly set lips.

"We are here, also, so that in our own way we can celebrate, honour and pay tribute to his life, and in doing so we express our sincere love and admiration for him." Yoongi began snickering toward the end to his continuation of Jin's officiation, which broke Jin into intense laughter.

Taehyung patted his face to smear away the tears from where he sat on the back of the couch, legs dangling over the edge.

"Taehyung, you know Jimin isn't actually dead, right?" Jungkook squeezed Taehyung's shoulder from beside him.

"He might as well be!" Taehyung cried. "Y/N is sentencing him to a day in the dollhouse!"

"It's not as dramatic as you're making it out to be," Namjoon comforted the doll. "Jimin will be okay."

"I don't know, will I?" Jimin huffed. "Are you going to leave me with any sort of entertainment in here?"

"Nope," I innocently smiled at him. "It's part of the punishment."

Jimin laid in a makeshift coffin that I made out of paper towels and scotch tape. Seconds later, I laid another sheet of paper towel on top of him to trap him in and then carried him over to the dollhouse.

"Y/N," Jimin begged, squirming inside my invention. "I'm sorry. We can talk about this."

"No, we can't. Everybody say goodbye to Jimin," I said as Jin and Yoongi pulled the outer doors of the dollhouse open so that I could fit Jimin's coffin inside.

"Bye Jimin," Hoseok dramatically waved.

"See you in the next life, soldier." Jin saluted.

"No one liked you," Yoongi muttered.

Taehyung exclaimed from across the room, "but that's okay, because I did."

"Namjoon and I will bust you out when she leaves," Jungkook whispered loud enough for me to hear, to which Namjoon nodded in agreement.

"How am I going to—" Jimin was cut off mid-sentence by Yoongi, who slammed both doors shut and brushed his hands together to signal that the job had been completed.

Jimin was silent.

Completely silent.

"Hey," I softly whispered into the house, concerned. "You're still okay, right?"

No answer.

"Jimin?" I tried again.

"Don't fall for it," Yoongi shrugged. "He's just trying to get out of it."

"Are you sure?" Namjoon called, now working his way up the table until he could stand next to Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok. "I'm pretty sure he would've continued to shout."

"Did you kill him, Y/N?" Taehyung asked, sounding betrayed as he burst into tears again.

"I—no?" I had no idea.

I opened the doors to see that the coffin hadn't moved at all. I reached for it and pulled Jimin forward until he was resting in front of the three dolls on the table.

Namjoon removed the paper towel and immediately gasped like he'd been shot.

The rest of us peered into my invention to find that Jimin was incredibly still and lifeless.

Jimin's eyes were open but void of any glimmer of
life. His lips were perfectly set and his skin was no longer flesh. His clothes no longer fluidly moved along his body, because instead, it was stiff along with the rest of him.

"What... happened?" I sputtered.

"You turned him off," Namjoon concluded, jaw hanging. He stared at Jimin for another moment before meeting my perplexed gaze with his own. "Isn't this how you brought us to life? By putting us in there?"

My mind threw myself back to the moment I discovered the dolls were alive. I had placed them inside the dollhouse, along with their accessories, as part of my plan to donate them.

No. Freaking. Way.

Yoongi shoved Jin out of the way so that he could grab Jimin's coffin and drag it back into the dollhouse. As soon as he was safely set inside, he closed the doors behind him and crossed his arms.

"—Survive in here without any food or entertainment?"

All of our eyes widened.

"He just finished his sentence as if he never stopped!" Hoseok jumped up and down. "Jungkook, Taehyung. You guys got to get over here."

"I'm going back to bed," I decided, turning away with no idea how to cope with this new information. Kitty followed me as I walked away.

The dollhouse is the key to their lives.

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