(Y/n) ran through the woods that surrounded the base, she felt happy and free.
The feeling of fresh air felt amazing in her lungs, she gripped her stave that she never let go of.
The ground had snowcover on it.
The silver haired female concentrated, she was trying to get to Romania.
The female felt a pain and flashed into a castle area, humans were around her as she was transported in.
Some people ran up to her and caught her when she collapsed from exhaustion, they were asking her questions in a different language.
She used her magic to make her speech understandable to them, "help me."
She was unable to keep conscious as the humans called for help.


Romania got the call of a magic woman appearing at the Dracula's castle tourist attraction, he quickly went to where she was being held.
It was (y/n).
The strawberry blond man sighed and told the authorities that he would take it from there, he took off his gloves and patted her face.
The warm skin met his cool hand, "te rog trezeste-te"
Red-violet eyes opened up to meet his cherry ones, "Alo."
the silver haired female sat up slowly and rather painfully.
"You really gave those tourists a scare.", Romania smiled.
"Sorry", the silver haired female apologized.

"I need to find Vladimir and Noah.", (y/n) said after Romania gave her a warm outfit to change into, "my father left a note saying to meet them."
"You found one.", Romania smiled, "I'm Vladimir. I met your father long ago, sweet man."
The red-violet eyed female smiled, "thank goodness."
The cherry eyed man motioned for her to follow, the female complied and was walked through the streets.
"Your father told me that if he did not return with you, he was killed by his sons.", the Romanian spoke, "I see that you made it here, that means he was.."
"Killed.", (y/n) spoke, "by all of them and fed to Bernard. At least that is what I heard from Egil."
"Even worse than the death he predicted for himself.", the Romanian sighed, "but I made a promise to look after you if something happened to him."

(Y/n) smiled, "thank you."
The Romanian smiled back, "How could I say no to him? He helped me many times."
He showed her to his home, a large castle.
"Wow! This is so cool!", the female exclaimed in awe.
Romania chuckled, "your reaction was as cute as you are iepure mic."
"Why does everyone insist that I'm a rabbit?", the silver haired female asked.
The smiling Romanian chuckled and led her inside, "you just give off that feeling, you are so cute."
(Y/n)'s cheeks puffed up and became rosy.
The strawberry blond man laughed a little, "sorry."
He showed her to a spare room she could use, "you can use this room."

The female nodded, "thank you."
Romania patted her back, "we'll go see Luxembourg tomorrow."
"But I was looking for Noah as well.", (y/n) said confused, Her innocent eyes and tilted head was so cute.
"Luxembourg is Noah.", the Romanian answered, "We will meet him tomorrow. You need to rest and restore your magic first."
The male's had reached for her head before stopping, "may I?"
"Go ahead, I'm kind of used to it.", the silver haired female replied.
She felt soft petting on her hair spikes, "your hair is nice, like a rabbit's fur."
"Romania!", (y/n)'s cheeks puffed out again, "stop teasing!"
The cherry red eyed male giggled, "sorry, you are cute like your father said you were."
The red-violet eyed female pouted a little.

Romania chuckled, "Dinner will be ready in about an hour, I'll let you get settled down."
The male left the female alone.
She made her stave into a cross choker to wear easily on her neck, "at least I'm safe here."
The silver haired female smiled and sat on the bed, not as soft as her mother's but just as warm.
The teen sighed and took in a deep breath, she could smell aromas from all over.
Her nose may not be as strong as Bernard's, but it was still significant.
(Y/n) smiled when she could smell where Romania was, she let out a small giggle.
The man was nice, she liked that.

(Y/n) wandered through the castle with curious and innocent eyes, she took in all the decorations and accents to the walls.
It was amazing.
Paintings and tapistries, weapons, artifacts.
The silver haired female was looking up at a chandelier when she heard a giggle, she turned to see Romania grinning.
"Enjoying your exploration of my home?", The male asked.
"Ja. It is wonderful.", (y/n) answered, "so Beautiful."
The strawberry blond man looked up and smiled, "I never thought about it like that, it's just history. It's scars."
The silver haired female touched his shoulder, "but the scars show how much you've endured and grown. You're stronger than you were and better for it."
The soft touch and kind words made Romania feel a bit better, he remembered that she had been scarred badly as well.
Norway told him how much scarring the female had on her body.

Romania hugged the female, both of them had been hurt and scarred.
He remembered how he was mistreated by Russia during the wars, he felt that (y/n) knew how it felt in some way.
A pair of kindred spirits.
(Y/n) gave him a hug back, she could not say anything at the moment.
She did not have to, the silence told her everything.
They both endured hardships.
The strawberry blond Romanian showed her to the dining room.
"Eat up, I have to work.", He left after speaking.

(Y/n) happily ate and cleaned up before making something for Romania to eat, she took the meal to the male.
Romania was in his office and was working pretty hard on some papers the silver haired female could not read.
The female set the meal down by him, "I made you dinner."
"Multumesc dulceata", The Romanian smiled, "you did not have to do that."
"I wanted to.", (y/n) replied, "to thank you."
Romania nodded, "it is nothing your father would not do."
the silver haired female sat down and looked into Romania's eyes with a stern face, "please tell me about my father."
The Romanian male smiled and began to tell the female all he knew of her father.

"He was a kind and quiet man, his heart was for peace.", the Romanian spoke, "he loved children and was excited when you were on the way, he was terrified of your mother though."
"I guess I would have liked him if he were still alive.", (y/n) looked down sadly, "both parents dead, terrorists for brothers, have not finished school. It's hard."
"I can't help with the rest of that, but I can help you with your schooling.", Romania said with a smile, "I'll teach you some magic and get you into a school somewhere. All you have to do is transport there, do your classes and come back home. You'll graduate and we can see about getting you into college."
the silver haired female looked up at Romania in surprise, "you would do that?"
The strawberry blond man nodded, the female hugged him.
"Thank you! I don't know what I could do to pay you back!", the female exclaimed.
"Just do great in school and make a great life for yourself.", Romania smiled, "now get sleep. We have quite a day tomorrow."
"Oh yes! Goodnight!", (y/n) said and kissed his cheek without thinking.
She ran back up to her room and Romania touched the spot she kissed.
"Keep doing that and I might fall for you.", He smiled to himself and went back to work.


Kære søster: dearest sister.

te rog trezeste-te: please wake up.

Iepure mic: little rabbit

Multumesc dulceata: thank you sweetheart.

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