[ Thirteen ] - Sacrifice

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Hiyori struggled to breathe whilst being held by Yukine. Still in state of shock, she felt a soft touch on her left shoulder. "Kazuma," Yukine greeted him for her, Hiyori looking over to the blonde goddess. Bishamon just saved their lives. Again. 

Mist started appearing as the realm started to slowly loose its dark aura. Without Shino, the place started to slowly crumble down. Rumble of rocks were heard, buildings and rides around them that were designed like Capypa land slowly shakes itself down.

Bishamon took a small glace at Hiyori, her purple eyes scanning her for a reason she was too tired to dwell on. The god then proceeded onto keeping her other regalias. She didn't even utter a word, so Kazuma did, "We saw the sudden storm in the real world. It was just above Capypa Land, which was a bit odd. Turns out it caused by the long inactive God, Shino."

"T-thank you f-for coming," Hiyori spoke timidly, her gaze now falling onto Yato, who was still frozen in place.

"Do not forget Yato-gami, I am still not in good terms with you. But I have to finish this to get rid of the phantoms appearing outside her realm." Bishamon's voice was full of authority, she started to walk away from the unmoving Shino. She called Kazuma, and killed some of the phantoms around, "Its your responsibility to kill these phantoms, I'll leave them to you."

"But he's still weak, and the place is about to disappear, so why does he need to kill them anyways?" Yukine stood up, with Hiyori clinging on his arm. In some way protesting even though he understood Bishamon's point with the problem being Yato's responsibility.  "The remaining phantoms here will only appear on the real world. And if your think he is too weak, then help him if you please."when Bishamon begun to ride on Kuraha and call Kazuma into his earring form, it was the only time Yato spoke.

"Take Hiyori with you."

Bishamon turned over to Yato, her eyebrows knitted. He continued, wiping some of the blood on his face and had been more relaxed than he was moments ago. "She's in danger here, without her body and the phantoms around."

"Veena, let's just take her out. We could just leave her in the amusement's entrance." Speaking through his form, Kazuma reasoned.

The Goddess sighed. "Hiyori Iki, come with me."

"He'll be fine, he could take it.." Hiyori tried to reassure herself. Even though she knew Yato would be too weak to continue, she also knew the fact that Bishamon wouldn't help him. And if she stayed, she would only make more trouble for Yato and Yukine.

Yukine sensed her hesitation, reassuring her with a small smile, "Don't worry, we'll be fast."

A small crack of wood echoed through the chants of the creatures around as Yato broke the phantom brush. Those who were heading onto them were masked and without the one controlling the brush, they stop moving. But now as the brush cracked into two, the masks also break open, killing most of the phantoms around. That leaving only a few stray ones.

"See, told ya'." Yukine smiled widely, Hiyori was astonished on how he was taking this so lightly. She smiled a bit, still in hesitation. Her gaze fell on Shino, laying flat on her chest. Her robe was ragged and torn a little from the fight and her hair was hiding her face. Blood was pooling around her. 

Hiyori thought she saw the deceased god flinch. She blinked, but she didn't see it happen again.

Yato inhaled deeply and his eyes came in contact with Hiyori's once more. His eyes softened, it was no longer cold and deadly like how it was earlier. Those eyes, those blue orbs that she fell in love with, along with its owner that made her life whole. 

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