Going to Hawaii With Them

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A/N : So you go to Hawaii for a vacation with them ♥



"(Y/N)~~~" Jin cooed from receiving room. "Hurry!! I can't wait to go to the beach!!!" he whined.

"Wait a moment oppa!" you take a last look at yourself and go out.

"What took you so long? And why this shrug?" he looked at your light pink shrug.

"Um.." you slightly open it to reveal your pink one piece swimming costume.

He gives a big smile and wraps his arm around you. "I can't wait to play with you on the beach~"

You blush and make him squeal. Later in the beach you and him had a fun day destroying each other's sand castles and splashing water on each other with of course his warm back hugs and feathery kisses.


"Oppaaah! Get up! Why you sleeping now?? Let's go to the beach!" you whine and grumble trying to make Yoongi get up from the bed.

"I want to sleep.." he mutters and snores softly.

"Ughh!! I wanna have fun!!"

He opens at eye and looks at you as if you were Jimin and pulls you down to lie down beside him on the bed. "I'll give you a better fun today." he shows his gummy smile and hugs you tightly snuggling and again falling asleep.


You ran out of the door. "Hobiii!" you squeal excitedly.

You see him making different super hero postures and giggle.

He turns to see you and laughs with you. "Come oooon!!" he drags you by your arm and you both directly to into the


"Hobi!" you try to clean the salty water off your face. He laughs at you making you more wet.

So you both end up in a splish-splash war.


"Hey Joonie how do I look?" you sure him your new swimming costume.

He completely checks you out and smirks, "You know you look so sexy that we can enjoy in our bed room as well." he smirks.

"Shut up!" you lightly punch his chest laughing slightly.

Later after y'all have a good amount of fun in the beach with a lot of kissing and playing around and come back.

He says suddenly, "My first offer still stands though.." and laughs.

You eye him and smirk.

"Is that a yes?" his eyes gleam.
"Let me take a shower first!" you giggle.

"Don't worry baby, we take the shower together." he winks.


You were getting so restless because for the past 30 minutes Jimin was whining, "I'm looking good right?"

"Yahh! You are not going to the fashion show! It's beach! You don't need a make over!" you say annoyed.

"Okay." he grumbled and comes out with you.

In the beach you guys build a big sand castle, then have a shell collecting competition. When you guys were tired enough, y'all decide to go back but not before a long walk in the sea coast hand in hand.


Tae was super excited to go for splash in the blue oceans. You hurried up as fast as possible because Tae was whining like hell on your ears.
"I'm ready! I'm ready!" you said calming him down.

"Oka–" he stopped midway and scanned your swim suit and a smirk came across his face.

"Stop staring Tae! Let's go!" you blushed and walked out.

He grinned and said, "You're looking cute."

You got all flustered but this alien Sir not give you the time to react as he pulled you with himself and I'm the beach.




This baby was all set to run around in the beach and since you were taking too long to come he thought of deserting you.

When you came out you were dumbfounded. "Kook-ah let's go– Huh? Kook!?"

You were boiling and bubbling and you went to the beach to see your boyfriend enjoying himself thoroughly in the beach.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook! How dare you leave me!?" you shout.

He looks at you with his big innocent eyes and then after a while gives you his famous bunny smile, enough to melt all your anger. He flustered you by saying, "Aw! Don't be mad Jagi! You were taking long.. Forgive me?"

You gave up on your teensy weensy anger and said, "Okay.."

While y'all were playing he suddenly says, "By the way... You look very cute when you're angry."

You blush and this and accidentally fall on your back and the wave comes up on you totally drenching you from head to toe.

At this Jungkook laughs uncontrollably at you, "Hahahaha"

Now you were really mad and chase after him. "JEON JUNGKOOK YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS!!!"

You chase after the still laughing boy.

A/N : I don't why but I had a lot of fun writing this lol.

Plus among all of the scenarios I have posted above, this was the easiest too!!

Hope you liked it ❤

BTS REACTIONS TO YOU... Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora