Going, Going, Gone -3

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It's quite sad how fast memories fade, isn't it? Our minds make it routine and mandatory to forget about the useless or unwanted thoughts that crowd the platform that holds them. When the brain decides it no longer needs to recollect on a specific item or person, it begins to nudge it towards the edge, then in one, swift movement shoves it off the platform into the great, dark abyss below. It watches the memory desperately try to claw at the air, only to disappear a moment later.

So many things end up in that pit, that hole, that abyss. So many things get recklessly thrown down, or roughly heaved into it. So many things are so easy to forget. So many things can slip away, So many thing's lives end down there... How do I know mine won't either?

(p.s. not suicidal, just scared to be forgotten.)

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