Chapter 5

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Hero's Beginning
A Turning Point

"There's no such thing as fair or unfair in a battle. There is only victory, or in your case, defeat."
~ Vegeta (Dragon Ball Series) ~

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Electronic Speech
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Super Moves or Deities

~ The Author is a Deity! ~

"The Hero Team wins!" Shouted All-Might over the intercom as Izuku collapsed with more energy being released from his vessel. Yet little did anyone know, the released energy only attracted more other dimensional beings into the world of Boku no Hero Academia.

"What!?" Was the combined reaction within the spectator's room, though All-Might seemed only slightly impressed by the outcome. While in the battlefield, a gorgeous brunette appeared at Izuku's side and held her hands over his body, allowing her to heal his wounds before she healed the other 4 opponents.

'Another victory at the cost of your body, yet this victory will be meaningless with no real threat.' Thought Amaterasu as she helped Izuku walk back to the spectator's room with Katsuki, Kira, Tenya, and the multi-colored girl following behind them. 'When will you understand that the more you fight, the more fights are soon to come?'

The group arrived to see some faces of pure shock or amazement, yet Izuku ignored them to sit down with Amaterasu sitting next to him and ending up sleeping on his shoulder. Though, he felt that a weird pressure in the area as All-Might cleared his throat to get the attention of the class.

"Class, now that we're done, who's the MVP of all the matches?" He asked as only one person raised their hand, the other 19 were pondering about it, and one person was sleeping with a goddess, literally. "Ah, Young Yaoyorozu, you have an answer?"

"It should be Midoriya-san. He completed both objectives on his own against 4 opponents, along with ensuring their safety, minimizing the damage to the building. But he even saved his opponent and hardly hurt his opponents, yet got to the bomb with barely any time left." She said which shocked the 20 people who were awake, but Izuku and Amaterasu kept sleeping peacefully as if that battle never happened.

An awkward silence filled the room as the girl named Momo Yaoyorozu tapped on Izuku's other shoulder which woke him and the mysterious brunette. "U-Uhh... That's accurate... " All-Might said uncomfortably as he was outsmarted by his own student, while one of them was sleeping, well key word being: was. "Well, Young Musubi and Young Todoroki did fairly well on the defensive as well, but some of you were quite creative with your quirks out there!" He said as some of them cheered up and the blonde bastard was just sulking in the corner about not being in the spotlight.

"Sensei... can we go get changed?" Izuku asked tiredly as he stood up and Amaterasu became a ball of light that was absorbed into Izuku's body.

"Ah, go ahead! I'll see you all tomorrow!" He yelled in response as everyone started to leave, but Izuku ended up giving Kira a piggy-back ride to the girl's changing room before running to the boy's changing room.

Back into his uniform, Izuku left UA and headed towards the train station with Kira walking by his side, but just as they were about to walk out of the gates, someone yelled out to them. "Musubi-chan! Deku-kun!" They heard as they turned to see Ochaco running towards them with Tenya trying to catch up to her without his quirk. "Are you going to the train station? *Both nod* Then, let's go together!"

"Sure, the more the merrier," Kira said as Izuku could see two more girls running towards them in the distance.

"Tempi-chan! Mira-san! Over here!" Izuku yelled out as Ochaco and Tenya looked at the said girls, both of which arrived and greeted Izuku. Though Tempi punched him in the arm lightly before jumping onto his back, playfully of course. "Ah, sorry. Uraraka-chan, Iida-san, these are my friends Tempi Ru from the entertainment department and Mira Takahashi from Class 1-B." He said as the two waved to the brunette and spectacled boy.

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