The last little flicker of light snuffed out, plunging me into a dense darkness that I strangely found comfort in; it pulled and tugged with no retaliation into a pit so deep there was no point in trying to climb back out. There was no pain, nothing at all; I felt nothing. I am nothing. Nothing could reach me, nothing could touch me. Waves of despair crashed over pushing me deeper still, while I just lay back and watched; drowning in my tears of anguish. And so I embraced the night, kissed by my fears. There was no escape, no hope.

            Time passed by, I didn't care how long anymore; and eventually the day came where I was to be thrown back into my misery. It was early morning when Steve walked through the door, a somber expression painted on his face, "Come with me. I need to take you somewhere before you see him." I waited for it, the spark of curiosity; even though I knew it had long sense died. I nodded as he trekked out of the room expecting me to follow. I took a step but stopped in my tracks when a reflection of light caught my eye; there, almost completely concealed beneath the bed, was a skinny knife. I glanced to see if Steve was paying attention then hurriedly snatched it, hiding it in my long sleeved shirt I was given that morning; not even questioning how or why it ended up there.

            I followed Steve down a length of hallways until he opened the barrier that led to one of the fenced in yards. I didn't hesitate striding as far as I could go leaving him guarding the door, ignoring all the stares. I gazed longingly out to the woods, letting my mind wander one last time imagining the feeling of freedom. I thought of my parents, I knew they wanted me to be strong; but I'm just an echo, lost, unheard in a crowd of pleas. I tried, but I can't; not for a second more.

I slipped the knife into my grasp.

A voice, small but clearly heard, screamed for me not to. That girl cried out, 'somebody save me'. That fraction of me prayed to see the light once more, even for a moment.

But those cries faded and fizzled out as I brought the sharp edge towards my wrist, crossing the monstrous border into the unknown.

It's almost over, set yourself free.

I took a relieving breath, whispering a silent goodbye.

A hand seized my own, yanking me out of my trance and holding onto me with a vice like grip. A bubble of panic welled up thinking of everything he'll do to me for trying to leave him. I whirled meeting a pair of blue eyes, but they weren't cold and devoid of emotion; they were warm, welcoming, and full of sorrow. "Please, don't." I opened my mouth to speak, the air left my lungs painfully as a sharp twinge twisted in my neck with no sound coming out. My free hand flew to my throat slightly doubling over to catch my breath. The woman took advantage of the moment and skillfully took the knife from me. "How did you even manage to score a scalpel?"

I shrugged subconsciously rubbing my neck in a feeble attempt to rid the pain. "It's Saige right?" I eyed her warily, determining the best course of action to get it back. "My name is Sarah." I narrowed my eyes. "Look, I know it seems hopeless, maybe even pointless to keep on living and enduring the same horrific dealings every day. But I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it." I shook my head not convinced, crossing my arms over my chest. I was so close; fighting with her now would just attract unwanted attention. I racked my brain for a plan desperate to take it back, but the only way was by force.

I lunged for her; she sidestepped shoving me into the fence with little effort. "I'm sorry." My ailing body slumped down, collapsing in fatigue wanting nothing more but to be part of the earth, finally at peace. She slouched next to me, keeping the knife away from me and out of sight. "I have a son who would be around your age by now." I closed my eyes not able to do anything else but attend. "He was so full of life, caring and kind. I could listen to his stories all day." I could hear the smile in her voice, "He took a lot after his father. I miss them so much." She paused for a moment, "You and me, we're in the same boat. The biggest difference between us is I have something to live for."

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