Go To Him

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We were good together...
Weren't we?
The laughs...
The smiles...
The tears...
The shouts.
The fights.

You made me feel good about me.
Completed me... in a...
Metaphysical way.
We connected like stars and night.
And for a time,
It seemed like...
You and I,
Were made to last.

We met...
We talked...
We kissed and fell in love.
We planned a family.
A kid,
We pictured.
What could go wrong,
With that scene?

How futile man is.
We plan,
The elders say,
But The Man prevails.
Was it His plan,
That you left?
That you walked away?
From what we had?

I too,
I have my faults.
Our break-up is not all your fault.
But... How?
How did we not see it coming?
How did we not prepare?
How could I hace given you so much of me...
And have so little...
Of you?

The nights were hard...
After you left us.
I was depressed.
My years soaked my pillows
In those days.
At night...
I'd pine for you...
I'd lay awake.

But I couldn't blame you forever now could I?
I have a son to think about.
And as much as it hurts...
I have to let go of you because,
Hate is a cancer,
I'd rather live without.

Ten cycles of the seasons past,
And I still think of you.
My heart still aches...
But not because of you.

It's for your son...
My baby.
Whom in the depth of our love,
From the well of our passion,
We made.

He stands tall,
You know.
A mother's dream,
Come true.

I wish you could see him.
See how he misses you.
Truth be said,
We both do.
But I can,
And I have learned,
To live...
Without you.

But there's only so much,
That I can do.
You need to at least see him...
Your son.
He looks so much like you.
The embodiment of our love...
He is my most precious jewel.

I love him so much...
It hurts.
I would die a thousand deaths...
Kill a thousand gods...
For him.

But you know what I can't do?
I can't be his father.

I'm not asking for cheques...
Believe me.
I'm beyond that.
I'm not asking you to live me again.
Trust me...
I'm above that.
I'm not asking you to live with me.
I don't want that.

I'm asking you to take interest in him.
The future of your line.
He who carries your blood.
He who will one day,
And is today,
Your son...
Your heir.
The first from your loins.

How can you not see?
How could you forget?
How can you not know?
He needs you...
More than he could ever know.

Come to him...
Before it's too late.
Teach him...
How to be a man.
Show him...
How to be brave.

But most of all...
Love him...
Like only his father can.

Okay guys! I hope you love this poem. I don't know why, but I honestly cried writing this.

I've never lived in this kind of setup! I'm In fact, half the shot I write about? I've never been there. But I've experienced something's. But I honestly don't know where they come from.

But I wrote this on request from someone. But uhh... I want to dedicate this poem to every single mother out there.

I watched my parents (both of them) try to raise just me!! I was a really shitty kid!

Still am to be honest!!

But raising a kid is hard. Raising them alone? Probably a miniature version of hell with a side of PTSD and PMS!

Thumbs up mamas!! Thanks for raising us! And on behalf of my fellow children everywhere, I say:


God bless you guys so much!!

I love you mom! Mrs. Katelyn Itasoa Aidelogie Chukwudindu!!! I love you!!!!!

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