📍Chapter 1📍

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Life is unfair

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Life is unfair.

How can someone pay for another person's mistakes while that person is living a happy life and you are in hell? The moment I find a way to get out of this house, Emma is going to pay for what she did to me. At that, my phone starts ringing displaying Jim the man I love. 

"Hello love, I've missed you." His voice booms in the phone.

"Hello darling, I want to meet you soon."

"Me too. But that depends on you to leave that husband of yours."

"Don't worry I'll find a way soon...and, how is our plan going..."


My name is Emily Cades, and I have an identical twin sister, Emma Cades, whom I have despised for 8 years. 

I've despised her ever since we had a little problem when we were born, the doctor said that we were too closely related that if one turns the other will also involuntarily. That is just the thing that made me hate her for almost all my life. For instance, in high school when I was trying to talk to my crush, Emma tripped herself on a stone and obviously I did the same and fell on my face. You can imagine that embarrassment I got. 

But that's not all, two years ago she brought a man home and slept with him and my mother caught them. She thought it was me because she believed Emma had gone to a friend as she had mentioned oh-so-smartly earlier. She told me that I would rather get married than bring men at home. 

That was my punishment that I am still suffering till now. Emma spoiled my life, she made me get married at 23 to a worthless man who even has a kid. A girl called November.

And the worst thing is that I can't even defend myself because she would not believe me because we don't get along well. My father, may his soul rest in peace, was the one who understood because he always told me that I was like him. I am considered the troublemaker and the disappointing one since my childhood. I grew up like that, accused of the wrongs that happened while Emma was considered as the angel. 

I don't even understand how other twins love each other! Since forever we have been despising each other. We just don't get along at all and she has turned my own mother against me. But I also have where I took the advantage. Being the stubborn one in the family, I went on dates and had boyfriends while with her...I don't even know if she has ever been kissed!

When I married Leon, I was expecting that he would at least behave like a normal husband. But he turned out to be my worst nightmare.

 Leon is that man who never takes advice from anyone. Let it be at work or at home. He is so self-centered and arrogant and he thinks that every decision he takes is the right one and nobody must argue on that. 

Maybe that is why I found myself married to him just for his business.

After that disastrous incident Emma did, my mom looked nonstop for a man whom I could marry. Luckily for her Leon appeared, from where I would never know, and a few months later I was no longer Emily cades but Emily Smith. 

I hate his life, the outings and endless meetings where I have to pretend to support him and endure all the long hours of listening to things I can't even understand.

"Emily, we are going out." Leon said entering the room. Well today seems like all those days.

"With November?" I ask, crossing my fingers. Whenever we go with her, they ignore me completely. Not that I want attention, I just feel useless when they do that.

"No she has to study; we are going alone." he replied. Great now is the perfect time to start my revenge. I can't wait to see the face of Emma tomorrow!

"Can I go to my mother's tomorrow?"

"Whatever just be there on Saturday, I am presenting my work." 

The outing as always was the meeting with his investors and me always posing like a statue and putting one of my plastic smiles.

"Good evening Mrs. Smith." One said who is the best friend of Leon, Kevin McCarthy.

"How are you doing Kevin, you know I hate formalities."

"People may find it weird. So I'll call you Emily at home only." He says sipping on his wine.

"That is why I like staying home." I mutter.

"Are you going to be home tomorrow because I was planning to bring Edna, maybe you can chat."

"I'm sorry, I'll be at my mother's"

"Oh you must be missing her."

"So much. As well as my sister." I say imagining her face when she sees me

"Wait, you have a sister?" Leon asks emerging

"Of course but you take no time to get to know me" I say. Of course, nobody must know that I have a twin sister

We left at midnight, hours of long, boring lectures finally aside, and we found November still up.

"Why aren't you sleeping, love?" Her dad asks her. 

"I was waiting for you to help me with homework since your wife--she glances at me-- cannot do."

"Alright let me help you," he said, sitting on the couch. Then I decided to take my leave since I had nothing to do.

"I would really love it if you got along with my daughter" he says behind my back but I continue. I can never stand that brat. But that won't be my worry for now because I have far more important things to do tomorrow which would require enough sleep. Tomorrow, my revenge is starting.


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