"How do you think I feel?" I snapped harshly, surprising both of my friends and myself. I felt bad and wanted to apologize but I stayed silent, afraid I'd be mean again. I sighed and pulled my hands to rest on my stomach as I played with my hands.

                I wasn't very sure why I was so mad. Was it the dream?

                Usually at this point of something like this, almost dying, I'd be wailing and screeching about home. But for some reason now I felt like punching someone and then being held by Beau. I wanted him and that was a wild crazy thought. I wasn't crying over my pain and I had this unnerving anger that ran through me like red hot flames.

                'Oh god, don't be so dense.' The voice in my head suddenly burst through my migraine and invaded my mind." GOD! Put things together! You were attacked by another one of those damned Behnlin's!' She raged and I figured where the anger was coming from.

                I sat up in bed, like I was being told a juicy secret. The boiling red anger, caused my adrenalin to pump through my body like id been running. Images of an evil looking man stormed my head with the venom filled words of the voice. 'We could have DIED! I am so fuvking tired of allowing you to roll over and take it like a helpless bitch! CENTURIES Mira CENTURIES!' She roared, and it was odd. I couldn't just hear her anymore, I could feel her. Every bit indignation she felt, I did too.

                "Mira?" The concerned voice of Alex reached me and I suddenly realized I was panting, shaking even. "You okay? Maybe you should lie back down?" He suggested, reaching for me. I snatched my arm away and focused back on this voice.

                "What do you want me to do?"

                "You need to go see Beau."

                "But I don't-"

                'GO!' She demanded and I was throwing the thick blankets from my body and walking towards the door. Despite the worried protests of my friends on the bed.

                "Don't touch me." I snapped at Layla as she tried to stop me from leaving. She quickly le go and I took a deep breath before heading out with determined strides.

                I walked down the dim hallway and to a winding flight of stairs at the end of the hallway. I quickly skipped down the steps, nearly falling twice before meeting the end of the steps. There was another flight of stairs across from me, but I ignored them and turned to see the green hall filled with fearful slaves and men.

                The sound of an angry Beau as I walked easily through, everyone parting ways for me. My heart swelled with pride at their respectful gesture to me. I kept what I hope was an intimidating look on my facial expression as I walked towards Beau.

                'You need to tell him and be very clear that you'd like to be trained and mated by him as soon as possible.' She said and I stopped short in shock.

                "Mate me?" I said out loud. I was surprised by her statement and I wasn't sure what exactly that meant. The guards in the hall looked at me, some with amusement, some lust, and some concern." Where is he?" I asked, a surprising tone of authority to my voice.

                That's when he came down the hall, bare chested and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. His thick eyebrows were pulled in slight frown and although his expression was hard and steely, I could see the softness in his eyes though as he approached me.

                "What are you doing?"

                "I came to see you."

                "Why? You should be resting."

                There goes my heart again. I cleared my throat and shook my head, shaking the feeling away. "I need to be trained, I need to protect myself and fight and -and- god damned Asthenias needs to pay Beau."

                'Good. Good. Don't forget about mating'

"I don't think that would be appropriate in your current situation or in this current situation." He said seriously.

My eyes narrowed and he looked at me with slight caution."You won't tell me what's appropriate for me to be learning or not. I will not be killed because you don't t deem this time "appropriate" for me to be trained or not." My finger was on his chest and I was looking at him with the anger now. This time I wasn't so sure it was the voice that was pushing my anger towards him at this moment.

Beau stared down at me, his eyes fighting between sea green and glowing yellow. There was also something else in his eyes that I could partially pinpoint as a lustful hunger.

"You do not understand the dangers of what we are up against and-"

"Try me." I broke in, gaining a few shocked gasps.

He looked at me with a debating stare.He cupped my cheek in his large hand and my mind was in a frenzy. He gave me a defeated sigh and shut his eyes, nodding. I let out a surprising breath of relief.

'Mira. They won't know what hit them.'


I honestly whole heartedly hate this chapter.
But it's here and a lot sooner than the last one.
Even though I didn't like it I hope you guys did! And you read this authors note.

I finally came up with a schedule for all my stories and I'm gonna start updating TWICE a week. But be be expecting more than two in this week because I'm behind two weeks already.
Anyways thank you guys soooo much for sticking around💜I'm listening to you guys when it comes to Mira DON'T WORRY
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