Chapter Fifteen

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When I woke up, I couldn't really remember my problems, or how I got to bed. I was just calm, serene, a blank slate. For a few good minutes. Until all the events from yesterday came crashing down like a wave. I pulled myself up and wrapped my arms around my legs. I wandered around the empty house, the warmth from earlier gone. As are the people who made this place home.

A few notes were stuck to the refrigerator. The refrigerator is littered with pictures of my family.

One of my dog, Peanut. He had been a brown fluffy thing who had been obsessed with peanut butter. My mum and I were strikingly similar, especially in pictures. We both had light hazel eyes and dark hair.

I had gotten my fathers a darker skin tone. Where hers could only be described as sun-kissed. Archer also looked similar to us, but he had gotten my mum's skin tone. I had just gotten slightly taller than my mum.

And I wasn't a twig, like my father. I was slightly chubbier, but not overweight. I had noticeable curves. As well as padding for my abs, and a slightly rounded face. However, I didn't need to be a stick to be pretty. I inspected the notes. There was one from each of my family members.

From mum; Had to catch an early shift, love you.

From my brother; I had to meet up with someone, sorry about not being able to give you a ride to school.

And from my father; Take some cookies to school, I'll see you when I get home.

I was screwed, having no way to get to school. I didn't live close enough to walk, at least not without being late. I decide to skip breakfast and check my phone.

I really don't want to be late... I scroll through my contacts. Before the argument with Riley, she would've been the obvious answer. However, post-Riley wasn't the case. However, there was a different possibility. I call ninja hater.

"Hey, can you give me a ride to school?"

- I would rather not be pummeled by Archer

"He isn't home, I really don't want to be late."

- Fine. I'll be there in 15 minutes.

"Don't you need to know where-"

The line goes dead.

I realize my mistake. Of course, he doesn't need to know where I live, he's walked me home before.

Sighing, I scroll through Instagram as I wait.

- - - - - - - - - -

I hear a knock on my door, and pick myself up. Quickly doing all the things I should've while I was waiting. I pack myself six cookies and throw my binder into my bag.

Slinging it over my shoulder, I run out, throwing the door open. Which happened to hit Tyler in the face.

"Ow, ouch." He mutters, cupping his now bleeding nose. His face is slightly red, and I panic.

"I am so sorry, let me go get you a tissue or something." I apologize. I walk inside and grab something to stop the bleeding. A napkin, maybe.

When I walk out, a girl who is strikingly similar to Tyler is lecturing him.

"You need this blood, ya know. Every drop is important-" She trails off when she sees me. Her expression souring slightly, but not before I sense a hint of curiosity.

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