Autumn's Conterto 12

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"Edible art?"

I nearly dropped the plate of food I was supposed to be setting for the cafeteria line. It was early in the morning and I was alone in the cafeteria setting up for the day. Students didn't come in during this time and it was raining hard, flashing lightening and thundering, which was why I was scared silly by Edward's voice.

"My apologies," he grinned, "I didn't mean to scare you." He looked again at the pile of vegetables and fruites I had placed on the counter, the food I had arranged in the shape of a pyramid and sectioned by colors.

"It's almost a shame to eat it," he said, taking the apple off the top and biting into it.

I glanced over my shoulder for any sign of Peter. "What are you doing? Don't you have class?"

"Later I do. I came here to see you. How was the rest of your weekend?" He asked, biting into the apple again. I was distracted by how his jaw moved as he chewed and answered honestly, "It was fine until yesterday."

"What happened?" He asked.

"Um, I got in trouble for hanging out with my friend."

"Sneaking out?"

"Nope. Kidnapped."

He raised an eyebrow. "Good to see you still in one piece."

I smiled. "Jake just wanted me to spend time with him and I kept telling him no because of - of my work. So he surprised me Saturday and took me to his house and I didn't tell my parents and I got in trouble for it. It's no big deal."

"Hm." He said, finishing the apple and tossing it in the trashcan behind him. "Well then, if you're not in much trouble anymore, perhaps you would like to accompany me to the music room again some time soon."

My heart sped up ahead of my mind and played a fast tattoo against my skin. "I'd love to." But then I noticed the register and remembered Peter. "But I can't."

Edward's face fell. "Why not?"

"I just can't. Not yet." Why couldn't any of them just accept my answer? No means no and all that. "I mean, don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with you, it's just..." I bit my lip, wondering how to explain -

"Then let me take you somewhere for your break."

I wanted to laugh. What break? "That's nice, but I don't get a break."

His eyesbrows rose. "You have no time whatsoever?"

I shook my head. "No. I mean it's not a hard job, I work from about twelve to five -"

"Without a break."

I shrugged. "I get one at Webber's."


"The restaurant I work at before I come here."

He looked thoroughly shocked. "You work two jobs?"

"I'm not a slave. I just... work a little extra."

He ran his hand through his hair, a habit I realized he did when he was thinking, and rubbed his chin. "Do your parents get them either?"

"No, but we didn't ask for them, so it's not a big deal."

His hand was back in his hair and he closed his eyes and the bridge of his nose wrinkled, like he was trying to concentrate. "I have never known a person - What if you joined me and my friends out for a night? Would that be better?"

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