Autumn's Concerto 5

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"You cannot be serious."

He held out his hand for me to take to escort me to the door no doubt and that was what I used to lead me because the place was massive and I knew for a fact I was not dressed well enough to be even in the parking lot. Nothing in my closet would have been proper.

"Edward," I whispered. "Why are we here?"

He looked almost confused. "For dinner."

"Why here?"

"It was part of our agreement."

"Edward!" I all but hissed. "I'm not dressed for this! And I probably smell!"

"Nonsense." He held the door open. "You're fine."

I had no idea people got so dressed up for late afternoon, but I realized it when I walked through the threshold. And I could feel the eyes on me.

Edward flagged down a hostess while I tried to shrink behind him into the floor. "Table for two, please."

For a split second, I thought the hostess' eyes flicked to me as if she were sizing me before she turned and led us to a table in the corner of the room. I felt so embarrassed.

"Someone will be out to help you right away," she said to Edward, ignoring me.

When she left, I felt like I was deflating. Maybe, if I sunk down low enough, nobody would notice I didn't belong.

"Bella, what are you doing?"

Trying to disappear, I thought. Edward said nothing and then sighed. "Maybe we should have gone somewhere else. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

I cringed internally at that. I hadn't meant to make him feel bad or seem ungrateful. "No, it's fine really. This place is beautiful and I appreciate you bringing me here."

He didn't even let a pause sit. "But?"

"But," there was no point in lying. I was always bad at it anyway. "I don't belong here. I mean, look at this place, look at the people here, and then look at me."

He studied me, his eyes on my shirt before they traveled slowly up to meet my face. "I see nothing wrong."

I rolled my eyes. "Look, Edward, I-"

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Edward Masen. Or is it Cullen now?"

Edward's body tensed and his eyes hardened to someone over my shoulder. Turning around, I saw a dark skinned, tall, black haired boy from the reservation standing, his arms crossed. I'm pretty sure I had met him before but I couldn't remember where. Was he one of Jacob's friends?

He was tall enough that he could rest his chin on his folded arms as he rested them on the table while he squatted. Then he appeared to notice me. "Oh, are you on a date? I hadn't realized. Did you get tired of Kate? And Jessica? What about Lauren?" His eyes appraised me with mocking scrutiny. "I must say this one sure is better than the others. Oh, wait, isn't this the girl who works in the library? She doesn't even go to school does she?"

"Be quiet, Paul." Edward's voice was deadly soft and raised the hairs on the back of my neck.

"So, which is it? I have to make sure I call you by the right name and it gets so confusing what with your name being Masen but all these rumours flying around that your mother has got herself a new man." He tsked. "I haven't been so sure."

I went to ask Edward what was going on, but my words stopped in my throat. His eyes were hard, like frozen fire, and the stare - it was enough for me to sit back in my seat and let this work itself out.

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