Autumn's Concerto 9

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In this life, there are times that you will keep forever in your heart. They may not make sense or have reason, they may come at the most outrageous times, or that may just make the most perfect sense in the most awkward way. And this kiss would stay with me because it felt right. For the entirety of that moment, I had this strange sense that I was going to be overwhelmed with happiness.

It was simple. His lips were pressed gently against mine, brushing softly, his fingers had found their way wrapped around my wrists. When he broke the kiss I was pulling for air, gasping softly.

"I'm sorry," he breathed. His chest was rising and falling for air too and I felt less silly.

"For what?" If I spoke any louder than a whisper, the moment might disappear.

"Should I have asked first?" He was smiling though, a faint one that pulled one corner of his mouth up higher than the other.

I giggled breathlessly. "If you had, I might have said no."


"Because I would have thought it was another trick."

The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them and I wished desperately to take them back.

His face lost the smile and with it the soft look in his eyes. He stood abruptly and if I could have smacked myself I would have. Why did I bring it up? It didn't matter anymore to me. Whatever the reason - this wasn't the same as before. This time was different, there was an actual purpose, not a ploy. But no, me and my big mouth.

"I should be the one upset." He said, his back to me. I saw him pulling at his hair, making it stand on end even more attractively. "I tried to apologize and explain and then apologize again." He began to pace, turning back around to walk back and forth in front of me. His forefinger and thumb were pinching the bridge of his nose and his eyes were closed hard. "Would it have been better if I had stayed away?"

I fearfully asked, "What are you talking about?"

His hand was back at his sides and his eyes flew open to pin me with startling, angry green. "I'm not a fool, Isabella. I do not keep liars around me, I know what the consequences are. But you - I can't stay away. Something has possessed me it can only be that because otherwise why would I want to be around someone who so blantantly lied and used me?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." I don't remember standing, but I was so furious I was shaking. It was a wonder I could stand. "I used you? Unless my memory fails me, it was you who used me. I didn't do anything to you."

"Then your memory must be failing you." He spat back. "Because I seem to remember you pulling out money; your payment for winning a bet to go out with me." Oh, that. The air rushed out of my inflamed ego and kind of limped away. "I was so furious with you. I thought you had been different, not like other girls and I was proven wrong."

My ego was back. "Wait a minute! You were the one who started it first!"

He scoffed. "What?"

"Yeah! You went around and told everyone that since I had told all those other guys no you knew some way to get me to say yes. And then after the date, you went around and told everyone I'd had sex with you! Do you know the ridicule I had suffered for that? What Sue had heard? For weeks I was harassed by girls and guys thought it was funny to whisper things when they passed me. And even your friends! I had to deal with Emmett and Jasper at one point!" I felt the tears gathering behind my eyes but forced them back to shard the roof of my mouth hurt. "If I had known you were going to spread lies about me sleeping with you I never would have agreed to go with you and we'd both be in very different places right now."

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